Trump's address tonight


Well-Known Member
Dems totally embarrassed themselves last night. That being said, Trump has to tone it down. You were elected for a reason, focus on problems and solutions, people get it.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Geez couldn’t they just cheer for the brain cancer kid? You can still hate Trump but damn, what does that kid see when half the room is cheering - and the rest act like they hate you? They couldn’t clap for a little kid?

Or the West Point kid, with 6 varsity letters and a - 4.96? - GPA? Are you so stuck on politics, you can’t just cheer on a great kid?


Well-Known Member
What precisely do you think Trump needs to "tone down"?
I'm not a fan of him speaking as if it were a rally with a loyal audience. We all know the previous administration created these messes. Midterm's are coming up, the GOP will need swing district voters. Take the high road, explain the problems we face, explain the solutions.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe there are moderate Democrats out there just itching to take back the party, or leave the party, why help fire up the coastal elite's?

He was at his best when he was highlighting all the useless spending, and pointing out how the Dem-Coastal Elite's will never support him.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
If he had toned it down anymore last night, he would have looked like sleepy joe. He went off script very little. So this tells me right here, people are not paying attention - they have the talking points and will continue to spew them regardless of what Trump says or does.
Yeah, there were plenty of opportunities where he could’ve blistered the Democrats good.

I was somewhat disappointed he didn’t.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I'm not a fan of him speaking as if it were a rally with a loyal audience. We all know the previous administration created these messes. Midterm's are coming up, the GOP will need swing district voters. Take the high road, explain the problems we face, explain the solutions.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe there are moderate Democrats out there just itching to take back the party, or leave the party, why help fire up the coastal elite's?

He was at his best when he was highlighting all the useless spending, and pointing out how the Dem-Coastal Elite's will never support him.
Republicans have been taking the high road for years and getting ****ed up the ass for it.

It’s time to start bludgeoning the Democrats with their own clubs.

moderate Democrats don’t exist. If they do, they’re gutless.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
They hung themselves. Trump just brought the rope.
Yeah, but -he also highlighted that stupidity by calling them out in the speech! More than a couple of times, too! :killingme
It's stunning how the Democrats have allowed their party to be taken over by lunatics running amok. Then I remember the House "leader" is Hakeem Jeffries, who is nothing more than a DEI hire so the Party of the KKK can go, "See us not being racist??"

They aren't going to attract young voters by waving their canes around.
Yeah, that's really a great recruitment tool. :jet:
I had some pity for Nancy Pelosi watching her Party crumble into bits of insanity, then I remembered that the lunatic fringe took over on her watch with her full approval and support.
She gets to reap what she has sown all those years.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Dems totally embarrassed themselves last night. That being said, Trump has to tone it down. You were elected for a reason, focus on problems and solutions, people get it.
He doesn't need to tone down anything.After what they put him through and his family through all these years? Not the least of which was having Federal Agents going through his wife's lingerie drawer?

He can speak however and whenever he wants to, which is what he's doing right now!! He's speaking everyday now!! :jet: :killingme


Well-Known Member
The only part of Trump speech that I didn't agree with was when he deliberately called out Warren as "Pocahontas." Should have not stooped down to that level. All the other jabs towards that side of the aisle were well placed and subtle enough to make the point.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I had some pity for Nancy Pelosi watching her Party crumble into bits of insanity, then I remembered that the lunatic fringe took over on her watch with her full approval and support.
I know this cost me some karma points but I was hoping that she would stroke out while on camera last night.

She conducted that orchestra. They all embraced the fringe.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm not a fan of him speaking as if it were a rally with a loyal audience. We all know the previous administration created these messes. Midterm's are coming up, the GOP will need swing district voters. Take the high road, explain the problems we face, explain the solutions.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe there are moderate Democrats out there just itching to take back the party, or leave the party, why help fire up the coastal elite's?

He was at his best when he was highlighting all the useless spending, and pointing out how the Dem-Coastal Elite's will never support him.

We don't all know that. There are any number of tards out there going, "Where mah eggs??? Where mah stuff?? Damn you, Trump!" I think it's imperative that Trump not pretend the loons across the aisle are "our good friends" and call them out for their absolute evil.

There's no such thing as a "moderate Democrat". They are either complete psychos slavering to castrate little boys, OR they are Republicans or unaffiliated. Their leadership showed us that when they voted 100% in favor of men beating the sht out of women. When they couldn't even applaud a child with cancer. THAT is the Democrat Party. Anyone who carries the D on their voting card, that's who they are because that's who they vote for. There isn't a single moderate Democrat in Congress - not one. So you can't even say, well *this* district/state is reasonable, because the person they voted to represent them is a demonic loon.

At least I had the intelligence to realize it wasn't McCain and the rest of those aholes who were the RINOs - it was clear that *I* was the RINO because *they* were the Party leaders. And I fixed that by dumping them and going unaffiliated.

So if there are any "moderate" Democrats out there that *don't* jerk off to drugging and carving up children, and *don't* love to watch girls getting brutally beaten by men, and *don't* want violent criminals coming into this country to rape and murder with no punishment, and *don't* hate documentaries that shine a light on child sex traffickers, *they* are the DINOs. And a DINO is still a Democrat, and they still vote in favor of those very things, which makes them evil psychotic scumbags.

So I do not want Trump to "tone it down". I want him to unload full tilt boogie and stop being so nice. I hope I get my way and not you. :)