On my way home from dinner tonight the radio guys were talking about who Trump might pick as his running mate. We all know who it's NOT going to be - Mike Pence. Or any of the other shitbags currently auditioning. But one of the guys threw a name out there that made me go, "Yes! YES!!!!"
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Right? She'd be a terrific VP, setting her up for her own POTUS run. She may not want it because DC is a festering hellhole and she is enjoying the love of Arkansans. Who wants to be the target of the insane Democrats? But she may join up for a little "**** you". She seemed to weather it well when she was being run out of restaurants by the loony Left when she was PressSec. I don't get the sense that she wants a real career in politics, she may just be happy doing her thing with no interest in a promotion. But who knows....
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Right? She'd be a terrific VP, setting her up for her own POTUS run. She may not want it because DC is a festering hellhole and she is enjoying the love of Arkansans. Who wants to be the target of the insane Democrats? But she may join up for a little "**** you". She seemed to weather it well when she was being run out of restaurants by the loony Left when she was PressSec. I don't get the sense that she wants a real career in politics, she may just be happy doing her thing with no interest in a promotion. But who knows....