and NATO would not expand either ... my understanding this is the reason Putin invaded Georgia previously to keep Georgia out of NATO, as long as there was a conflict or borders in dispute Georgia would not be allowed to join.
And a lot of punditry - and Russian officials - claim this, but there was no agreement of any kind. The best that can be said is, during German reunification - with unified Germany joining NATO including EAST Germany - U.S. officials like Baker said it would be better if Germany was with NATO and it not move eastward than if Germany were to remain neutral.
Statements like that were seized upon by Russians to say, see, you promised, and since we planned to invade Georgia ANYWAY, that's all the "proof" we need. They knew that we weren't going to intervene to save South Ossetia or Abkhazia.
I suspect Russia took a beat when Trump decided, you know what, Germany doesn't need our guys there, it's a big waste and they don't bother to spend money even on their own defense much less carry their weight in NATO - I know - let's move it all to POLAND. But just a beat. Once Biden was in office, they knew it was a green light to go ahead and invade Ukraine. Biden wasn't gonna do chit.
To me, the war in Ukraine simply PROVES to me they should have been IN it. To me, it's like racketeers threatening to blow up your business if you call the police. And THEN having the brass to say to the police, well, we only blew it up because they called you for help.