Truth or Lie?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
sort of...

"Another distinctive feature of the budget process is that the President's role is more formalized and, therefore, significant. The Congress, by statute, has required the President to submit a budget to the Congress each year. By doing so, the President establishes the starting point and the framework of the annual budget debate."

which is kind of funny how Bush is now touting the success in afghanistan, when a couple of years ago he somehow "forgot" to add in funding for that country, which congress realized and added in.
Sometimes, things fall through the cracks.
Yep, he does submit his desires but the actual specifics are left to the Congress to put together and make law. Anything different then what the specific agencies ask for are due to what Congress determined, not the President.

Maybe if Congress wouldn't p!ss and moan amongst each other while posturing for "pork" projects we could get decent budgets in place and a little closer to on time. This specific bill in question was more then a quarter year overdue in getting through the Congress and was immediately signed into law by Bush once presented to him.


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
Yep, he does submit his desires but the actual specifics are left to the Congress to put together and make law. Anything different then what the specific agencies ask for are due to what Congress determined, not the President.

I think you're not giving enough credit to the presedential role in the budget process.


If underfunding is not giving an orginization what it asks for then every agency is underfunded. There is a game, you always ask for more money that you need because they are going to say will give you x% of what you asked for and usually the people that ask for the money know exactly how much to ask for to get what they need.


Active Member
Originally posted by BuddyLee

I told you last night to back up your sh*t.
if you missed it it states that there are facts used... The WMDs and terrorist links where in the game but i have read them in newsweeks, reliable sources and ive used common sense...


Football addict
Originally posted by Spoiled
if you missed it it states that there are facts used... The WMDs and terrorist links where in the game but i have read them in newsweeks, reliable sources and ive used common sense...

See thats the problem with politics, who's lies do you want to believe?


Active Member
Originally posted by BuddyLee
See thats the problem with politics, who's lies do you want to believe?
i believe the stuff with... well let me rephrase that, i dont believe stuff without evidence when the evidents where sought after... the WMDs have not found nor have links to al queda


Football addict
Originally posted by Spoiled
i believe the stuff with... well let me rephrase that, i dont believe stuff without evidence when the evidents where sought after... the WMDs have not found nor have links to al queda

So your a Democrat think they tell the least lies?:confused: :rolleyes:

I dont like how Bush morphed Osama into Hussein(sp) but I'm glad he's out of there. I just wish we could get our men out of there ASAP and stop spending money in another country when we need it for our defecit in this country.


Active Member
im a registered demacrat so i could vote in the primaries and my feeling align more closely to theirs, though not all of them do. I just feel bush and his cronies need to leave... Ashcroft and his little antiporn religious crusade, rumsfeld and cheneys iraq fetish...


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by Spoiled
im a registered demacrat so i could vote in the primaries and my feeling align more closely to theirs, though not all of them do. I just feel bush and his cronies need to leave... Ashcroft and his little antiporn religious crusade, rumsfeld and cheneys iraq fetish...

I see that this is your first election. Good luck! Don't forget to bring along an official form of ID, and watch out for hanging chads!


Active Member
Originally posted by Steve
I see that this is your first election. Good luck! Don't forget to bring along an official form of ID, and watch out for hanging chads!
i had an ID, and its on computers, which is kinda sketchy to me... but people wont learn we need a paper train until somoene hacks the hell outa the machines to prove that there needs to be a papertrail


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by Spoiled
i had an ID, and its on computers, which is kinda sketchy to me... but people wont learn we need a paper train until somoene hacks the hell outa the machines to prove that there needs to be a papertrail

Phew! You scared me there when you first said "paper train", but then you caught it with "paper trail". A 'paper train' is a bad thing!

A 'paper train' is when you wipe your ass and the toilet paper follows you out of the bathroom. :biggrin:

You had an ID? Where'd it go?


Active Member
Originally posted by Steve
Phew! You scared me there when you first said "paper train", but then you caught it with "paper trail". A 'paper train' is a bad thing!

A 'paper train' is when you wipe your ass and the toilet paper follows you out of the bathroom. :biggrin:

You had an ID? Where'd it go?
i had an ID when i went for the primaries, i still have it...


Enjoying life!
Originally posted by Spoiled
a bar code on the back of my neck...

maryland drivers liscense with stupid crabs on it

ou have crabs on your driver's license? Sounds like a personal problem.