Tubal ligation & side effects


But wait, there's more...
I have my tubal next week and I'm curious to hear from those who have had one (which means NO men should post in this thread ... unless they're hermaphrodites :lol:) ... specifically, I'm curious about things lie hormone changes, etc. Any other issues/side-effects post-procedure are welcome also.

Not only am I interested in hearing from those who've had it done in the last couple years, but those ladies who've had it done several years ago and are maybe entering a different "phase" of life. Any impact? :shrug:

I'm pretty dead-set on getting it done but want a real-life, first-hand idea of what to expect afterwards aside from recovery.

TIA! :cheers:


New Member
I had it done and it was really a piece of cake. I do suggest however, bringing some Gas-X with you because it helps to allevate the gas that they use to blow your stomach up to do the procedure. Have you ever had any problems with Anesthesia?


New Member
Forgot to say, I had no problems with hormones at all. I do however, have worse cramps then before. Its like I can feel right where the clips are on some months.

Nanny Pam

jhns64 said:
I had it done and it was really a piece of cake. I do suggest however, bringing some Gas-X with you because it helps to allevate the gas that they use to blow your stomach up to do the procedure. Have you ever had any problems with Anesthesia?
You did great with the anesthesia with you had the cat scratch fever lump removed.
My tubal was a piece of cake because it was done the day after you were born.....while I was already all stretched out. Makes sense, huh.

I have heard from others about the gas thing. Just go ahead and be yourself. Let 'em rip, baby! :lmao:
I wish I could come down to be with you. You were with me for my boob lumps. Turn about is fair play.

e-mail me the information and dates of proceedure.


But wait, there's more...
Nanny Pam said:
You did great with the anesthesia with you had the cat scratch fever lump removed.
My tubal was a piece of cake because it was done the day after you were born.....while I was already all stretched out. Makes sense, huh.

I have heard from others about the gas thing. Just go ahead and be yourself. Let 'em rip, baby! :lmao:
I wish I could come down to be with you. You were with me for my boob lumps. Turn about is fair play.

e-mail me the information and dates of proceedure.

YEAH! :tap: Why don't ya come down here for this? Boy-Toy's working out of town next week, DQ has to get to school somehow, and I gotta be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. :shocking: If you come, I'll share my drugs. :really:

I'll take something along for the gas. Thanks for the heads up both of ya's! :yay:

Nanny Pam

crabcake said:
YEAH! :tap: Why don't ya come down here for this? Boy-Toy's working out of town next week, DQ has to get to school somehow, and I gotta be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. :shocking: If you come, I'll share my drugs. :really:

I'll take something along for the gas. Thanks for the heads up both of ya's! :yay:
I neede more info. I think I can talk Anita into the daycare business for a weeek. :yahoo: I have to know when you are getting this done.
Call me tonight. Before 9:00
I get cranky when it gets late. Can I bring Woody. Maybe leave Jake home with Hubby


professional daydreamer
I had it done when I was 28, during C-section. I experienced horrible cramps for years after, something I'd never had before. I became pre-men during my mid 30's, completed menopause about a year ago. Go me!

If I had it to do over again...you betcha'. :yay:


New Member
Nothing happens to your hormones when they tie your tubes. Yep, if you cramp you will continue to do so. If you are on the pill for lighter periods, they could become heavy again.
Nothing much changes except the fact you can't push out little people the size of watermelons anymore :lol:
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I had zero side-effects of my tubal (done at almost 23, the morning after my daughter was born). They went through my belly button, so I don't even have a scar. No cramps, no early menopause, no problems whatsoever. Hard to tell about recovery time because I had just had a baby, but I left the hospital the next day and remember feeling better than I did after my son was born.


But wait, there's more...
morganj614 said:
Nothing much changes except the fact you can't push out little people the size of watermelons anymore :lol:

What a coincidence; that's the side effect I'm most hoping for. :lol:


But wait, there's more...
Pete said:
What if the men replying are doctors?

I swear ... even when talking about something procedural, men will use any excuse possible to tinker with a woman's insides. :lol:


I had a tubal almost 4 years ago and had it done 8 weeks after giving birth, no problems at all.


Well-Known Member
On the gas issue.....

I recently had my gallbladder removed, and they inflated my abdomen for the surgery...I had bad gas cramps days after the surgery...BUT, this is not gas like in your digestive tract. Gas-X won't work....the gas isn't in your digestive tract, it's in your abdominal cavity. It needs to work its way out....and you can't pass it by flatulating or eructating (how's dat for some big words :lol:).

I'm sure, if your surgery is laproscopic, it will be the same way for you. All in all though, it is not terrible pain, just pretty uncomfortable. And I'm sure it's no where near as painful as childbirth. :lmao:

Good luck!! :huggy:


Lobster Land
My first wife had the bellybutton thing done when it was still fairly new. She had no side effects, or none that she ever mentioned to me. But 30 years later she's still single and only has women friends. Make of that whatever you wish.
Thru the bellybotton 11 years ago... desolving stitch. No affect on horomones because your ovaries are still functional. The procedure affects the fallopian tubes not the ovaries. The worst part was the anethesia and it's after affects.

Cute story. A lady I worked with gifted herself with tubal ligation for her 40th birthday. She went to her doc at the age of 42 with "female troubles" and was thinking early menopause. Instead she ended up hearing she was pregnant... oopsie... she gave birth to a baby girl just before her 43rd birthday. :faint: