Tubes in ears...


Well-Known Member
Eew. Mine hasn't oozed anything. He has had no leakage. I noticed that his equilibrium (sp?) has really been off lately. Think that is due to the pressure?

It took me about a year to ride a bike, because of the equilibrium, and I am still unsteady on it. Balance will be tricky for awhile.


The audiologist wants to wait a few weeks after the tubes are put in and give him another hearing test. Then we'll go from there. I know that it really is just minor surgery but I'm sick to my stomach about my son going through this.

I'm sure everything will go fine, but I'll say a little prayer for him.


Well-Known Member
Our son's ears used to ooze a dark green fluid. He would wake up during the night screaming with the pressue and then it would burst and drain and drain. He would be sick, take the meds and be off the meds a week and sick again before his recheck. He had the first tubes at about 2 1/2 and about a year later had more tubes and they removed his adenoids. Then when he was 5, they put in a set that stayed in until the dr. felt he could go without them and they were removed by the dr. about a year later.

Mine oozed for several weeks after they were put in. My mom and I were talking about that. Because our dog would sniff my ears. It's getting the infection out.

You are doing the right thing, because if you let it go on, the loss will be worse. My dad and granddad never had the tubes, and had severe hearing loss. Mine is severe enough to qualify for a hearing aid, but I hate it so I lost it several (many) years ago and never had it replaced. THe main time I notice it is on the phone.


Should be Huntin
I had mine done when I was a kid, I'm not sure how old I was, I think under 2.... Wonder if thats what's wrong with me:lmao:

Callie girl

New Member
He has gotten over 30 ear infections in his young life. He has ended up with some hearing loss which has caused a speech delay. He has alot of negative pressure in his ears. Dr. Daly is the ENT.

T has had them and had to get one put back in but no big deal. It was amazing how much she could here afterwards. Watch what you say :lmao:. Dr. Daly is good and I agree to get good ear plugs.


New Member
Socki - None of MY kids have had ear issues... But as a child - I did. I had something along the lines of 15 ear infections during the first year of my life.

I had tubes put in and also had my adenoids removed...

I don't believe as a child I had anymore issues - I did rupture my eardrum when I was about 8... I remember it quite vividly actually -- It was almost immediate relief.

Good luck :huggy: I know all will be fine!


My son is getting tubes in his ears in tomorrow. Anyone have any experience with this? Did it work?

My youngest got them when he was 4. It went very well and we have had no problems since. We're just waiting for them to fall out now.

I don't blame you for being scared. :huggy: I cried and cried when they wheeled him into surgery. Fortunately the nurses were really nice! I know it's minor surgery, but it's difficult when it's one of your babies. Good luck! Hopefully it will bring the little guy some relief!


Free to Fly
My son and my oldest daughter both had tubes in their ears 3 times. My son had difficulties with speech and hearing until after the 3rd time with the tubes. They both had to have their adnoids out also which was done when the tubes were done the 3rd time. The ENT doctor advised me if I had another baby to not let them lay down while drinking a bottle until they got older because it causes a lot of popping back and forth and pressure in the ear canal which can lead to the tubes in the ears. I followed his advice and my youngest daughter did much better - only tubes in the ears once. Maybe just a coincidence, but I was happy! Good luck with your little one.


New Member
Dr daly is wonderful. my son has had them twice both done by here. He well be 4 at the end of this month, and had them a year ago. These ones have not come out. We buy ear plugs at walmart for kids and use them in bath and in pool. Good luck he will be fine:)


New Member
my daughter had them put in when she was about a year after about 7 or 8 ear infections and she had no problems after having them in. it was great. they worked themselves out after about a year. no problems since and she's 5 now.


Happy Camper!
He has gotten over 30 ear infections in his young life. He has ended up with some hearing loss which has caused a speech delay. He has alot of negative pressure in his ears. Dr. Daly is the ENT.

T had this same problem and after 3 sets of tubes he finally outgrew the infections. He got his first set though before he was one. As a side note he did have to have speech therapy until just last month when he "graduated" - we just went through the public school child find program with an IEP - great results.


Pitty Party
Dr daly is wonderful. my son has had them twice both done by here. He well be 4 at the end of this month, and had them a year ago. These ones have not come out. We buy ear plugs at walmart for kids and use them in bath and in pool. Good luck he will be fine:)

Yes she rocks. She took my daughters out. One had grown into her ear drum so when they removed the tube it left a hole. They use this really fine paper that grows in as skin. Really cool. She was also my doctor when I got hit in the ear with a softball and had peroration of the ear drum. I just walked around for a while going "hello, hello"? continuous ringing for months. :lol:


dr daly is very good my son has been going to her for 7 years now she is very good with young kids


Football addict
They were going to put tubes in my ears when I was younger. My parents got a second opinion and I ended up being fine without them.


Football addict
I didn't realize there were so many ear issues out there. What causes an ear infection anyway?


Well-Known Member
I didn't realize there were so many ear issues out there. What causes an ear infection anyway?

Tons of things. Seconhand smoke is one of them. I noticed that his ears bothered him after he left his grandparents house. His grandma smokes in the house. Then I found out that you can get secondhand smoke without the smoke at all. You can get it just from hugging someone with it on their clothes and such. I quit.