TV Commercials that drive you crazy


Would THIS face lie?
It always pays to shop at McKays...
With quality and discounts everyday...
For you and your famiiiily
We give you this guarantee
It always pays to shop at McKays
McKays fooooooooood store...


The Eastern Commercial with Big Joe and make it rain - make it rain. I want to reach through and smack the guy in the head.


Darwin was right
It always pays to shop at McKays...
With quality and discounts everyday...
For you and your famiiiily
We give you this guarantee
It always pays to shop at McKays
McKays fooooooooood store...

I have directv so I don't get to see the local county commercials or the local community access channel anymore. And I don't miss either.
The Eastern Commercial with Big Joe and make it rain - make it rain. I want to reach through and smack the guy in the head.

That Fat Azz Big Joe - AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! I would like to put a bullet in that fat f's head! I have to change the channel or MUTE it when that tub-of-lard even shows his douche-rag head...

The other one that gets me - Liberty Medical, when the old fart pronounces Diabetes "Di-a-beh-TES" - my 11 year-old goes nuts!

:EDIT - sorry, he reminded me... it is Liberty Mutual...


The other one that gets me - Liberty Medical, when the old fart pronounces Diabetes "Di-a-bee-TES" - my 11 year-old goes nuts!



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New Member
The one that slays me is the one where they bring out this good looking gal riding a bike and she say ;Yes: I have herpes,but it doesnt slow me down.

After that it says the medicine will keep down the sore ,but wont prevent passing on Herpes. Maybe she should slow down.


Room store Commercials, something about the lady gets on my nerves. :barf:

Commercial I love right now is that cute boy Peter Wiggins in the Keiser Permanente commercials - he's adorable :clap: