TV Commercials that drive you crazy



She looks like and Elf

She reminds me of peter pan or something and used to be snotty in her earlier commercials. She's toned it down some the past two or three I noticed though :lol: Guess I wasn't the only one that found it annoying :lol:


Well-Known Member
I like the guy with "RISK" tattooed on his fist as he goes around destroying his surroundings.


New Member
The one that slays me is the one where they bring out this good looking gal riding a bike and she say ;Yes: I have herpes,but it doesnt slow me down.

After that it says the medicine will keep down the sore ,but wont prevent passing on Herpes. Maybe she should slow down.

I love that one.(I find her attractive in a prostitute sort of way)
Stupid Yoplait commercials with the two hoe-bags in a gym - “This is Zen wrapped in Karma, dipped in chocolate…good.” :barf:
The one that I could not stand is gone ... thank goodness... the quiznos ad with those "things" umm were they big rats, sponge monkeys or what??? but their singing used to drive me insane...

"We love the subs! 'Cuz they are good to us. The Quiznos subs. They are tasty, they are crunchy, they are warm because they toast them. They got a pepper bar!"


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Why does Peyton Manning have 500 commercials? I know he is a good player but geesh.

And that viagra commercial where the guy keeps trying to throw the ball through the tire is annoying. I think it is about viagra....maybe not


Why does Peyton Manning have 500 commercials? I know he is a good player but geesh.

And that viagra commercial where the guy keeps trying to throw the ball through the tire is annoying. I think it is about viagra....maybe not

:roflmao: I love Peyton. :lol: But I agree about the Happy Bob and all the viagra commercials :roflmao:


I AM an enigma
For doing this

Call 1-800-EMPIRE

I got this one stuck in my head the other day, ALL FREAKING DAY...I can't stand when that happens. I think that makes me an expert on this commercial in some weird way, so I feel it is my duty to set the record straight....

Its "800-588-2300 Empire....TODAY" it's in my head again. :killingme


I AM an enigma
Oh, forgot to mention, my new favorite is for a carpet cleaner....Little boy says "Mom, look at Toby's new trick" shows the dog draggin' his azz across the carpet and the Mom screams "Toby" at the top of her lungs....

Yeah, I got sick humor.