TV Commercials that drive you crazy



Commercials I hate

The nutrisystem commercial gets me so mad. Who cares that you used to weight 200 pounds and you are a size 4 now. Duh if I gorged and purged I would be a size 4 also.:duel:


Registered Devil Dog
ALL of the Chevy commercials:

"The dream is still alive.......this is our country......blah blah blah........."

I can almost guarantee that you will see at least one of the variations of this theme on Sundays (before, during, and after football games) - no less than 6 times.

Who cares if they are a sponsor, they can't come up with anything else?!!


Victory Nissan - the guy looks like he has a unibrow and they just waxed it off. The girl is just too perky.


Free to Fly
And the one where the girl is leaping thru the air with her maxi pad in her hand to catch all of the water leaking from the water tower or wherever? Save the world! Uh - be my guest!


New Member
The only commercial that makes me want to scream is those damn Caveman commercials!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

OH - and the kiss my bumper guy? Could someone PLEASE tell him how to pronounce "insurance"? He keeps saying "eh-shore-anssssss"


New Member
I can't stand the Chevy commercials with the John Melloncamp song!!! Once I hear "The deams still alive....." The channel gets changed!

Also can't stand the New Toyota commercials with that stupid A** guy trading peoples cars for a Toyota's! God who comes up with that crap.