Two thousand Twelve - DUN-DUN-DUNNNN!

Why do you believe the world will end in 2012

  • Extensive study of the Mayan Calendar and detailed knowledge of applied galaxy-scale astrophysics.

    Votes: 3 6.0%
  • I read it on the intarwebs, so it must be true!

    Votes: 3 6.0%
  • I don't really think it will, but I'm hedging my bets.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My Ascended Master confirmed it for me.

    Votes: 2 4.0%
  • I don't know why ... I just do.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like being a naysayer

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • I jump on every doomsday bandwagon. This is just the latest and greatest.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't believe the world will end - I just can't resist voting in this awesome poll!

    Votes: 38 76.0%
  • Other. Please Explain

    Votes: 3 6.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


They say the world's gonna end in 2012. If you believe this, I am interested in why... Stay tuned for the pole.

*if you know what i mean :wink:


world won't end until we get hit by a meteor or the sun supernovas...but....

Worse case scenario: it doesn't end and you just rot in a box in the ground for all eternity...

best case get to wherever you're going in the afterlife and you can wear the, "Died during the end of the world" Tshirt...

I mean at least you were there for the end right?


I love Texas Road House
I am building a bunker in my back yard to protect me when the world ends in 2012.


I think Obama & company will destroy it before then...:whistle:

I'm starting to think that Obama was planted here and put in office just in time to make sure the world ends when it's supposed to. He only has until Dec 21st, 2012 so that would explain why he is working so fast to destroy everything.


A Salute to all on Watch
God hasn't said anything to me yet about so no, I don't believe it will happen,unless he is gonna wait til the last second and surprise me !!!:yahoo:


Would THIS face lie?
world won't end until we get hit by a meteor or the sun supernovas...but....

Worse case scenario: it doesn't end and you just rot in a box in the ground for all eternity...

best case get to wherever you're going in the afterlife and you can wear the, "Died during the end of the world" Tshirt...

I mean at least you were there for the end right?

I am going to make up a bunch of "I survived the end of the world" tee shirts and sell them in 2013...I'm gonna be rich..


Methodically disorganized
world won't end until we get hit by a meteor
The planet may certainly be hit, and it is possible that we could die off - or kill ourselves off - in the aftermath. However, as has been seen before, life would almost certainly continue in some form, and would probably eventually flourish once again as the biosphere resettled.

the sun supernovas
The sun does not have enough mass to make that happen. As the sun ages it will expand, transforming into a red giant. In this stage, it could swallow the innermost planets and turn the earth to a cinder. As the sun depletes its remaining energy, its gases will go off into space, leaving a dense core - a white dwarf. Following that, it will cool and become a dead ball of carbon, leaving the rest of the solar system to go cold as well.

That won't be for a few billion years... although an asteroid/comet strike could, hypothetically, occur anytime.



I'm starting to think that Obama was planted here and put in office just in time to make sure the world ends when it's supposed to. He only has until Dec 21st, 2012 so that would explain why he is working so fast to destroy everything.
The world may not end in 2012, but Obama will make sure the US is destroyed by then.


The planet may certainly be hit, and it is possible that we could die off - or kill ourselves off - in the aftermath. However, as has been seen before, life would almost certainly continue in some form, and would probably eventually flourish once again as the biosphere resettled.

The sun does not have enough mass to make that happen. As the sun ages it will expand, transforming into a red giant. In this stage, it could swallow the innermost planets and turn the earth to a cinder. As the sun depletes its remaining energy, its gases will go off into space, leaving a dense core - a white dwarf. Following that, it will cool and become a dead ball of carbon, leaving the rest of the solar system to go cold as well.

That won't be for a few billion years... although an asteroid/comet strike could, hypothetically, occur anytime.


as long as Bruce Willis is still alive damnit we have a fighting chance..


New Member
Nostradameus said it so.

Seriously, read the mans quatrains and if you over think them like everyone else does, then it will be truth, facts, no lies... but, only to you.

Besides, the world will never end as long as there are bills to be paid LOL


That won't be for a few billion years... although an asteroid/comet strike could, hypothetically, occur anytime.


How do you know it won't be for a billion years. Does the Sun have some sort of gauge on it that lets us know how much fuel is left? For all we think we know, it could be on its last leg, and ready to go out tomorrow.

For arguments sake, in 2012 the earth does not end, people do. HUGE difference.


New Member
Did anybody not see the previews for the movie, just take you private air plane and fly up in the air till the earth is done falling apart, then land and your okay.