U found a razor blade in the bottom of your bag of food...



Qurious said:
They are missing the blade from their box cutter that they use to open the box of supplies.

Somehow it got in the bag....

How does that happen???



New Member
Qurious said:
They are missing the blade from their box cutter that they use to open the box of supplies.

Somehow it got in the bag.... How does that happen???
The muslim uses a screwdriver to dissassemble the box cutter. He then removes the blade and drops it in your bag. Then he spits on your food and puts it in the bag to cover the blade.


Im On 1.
Mikeinsmd said:
The muslim uses a screwdriver to dissassemble the box cutter. He then removes the blade and drops it in your bag. Then he spits on your food and puts it in the bag to cover the blade.

oh. :smack:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Qurious said:
How does that happen???
Easy. The screw was loose in the box cutter, they sliced open the box and the boxcutter fell apart (I've actually had this happen to me). The blade fell down into the bags, the durhard teenager who was in charge of bag refills didn't look hard enough for it, he went :shrug: and went back about his business. In the jostling of the box - pulling it down, getting bags, putting it back on the shelf - the blade made its way into one of the bags.

The durhard teenager in charge of putting your food in your bag snapped the bag open, dumped the food in, didn't realize the blade was there, and voila! You got a present.

Someone else will find the screw that held the boxcutter together.


aka Mrs. Giant
Qurious said:
They are missing the blade from their box cutter that they use to open the box of supplies.

Somehow it got in the bag....

How does that happen???

There are two kinds of box cutters that I know of. One has razor blades that screw in. But every time you use them, you pretty much have to tighten the blade back up. Probably the blade was loose, they cut open the box of paper bags, started pulling out bags and the blade slide in. :shrug: Glad nobody got hurt. Sounds like you did the right thing.


New Member
p.s. I would have thrown the razor blade away with the bag and not given it a second thought. Quit being such ####ing babies.


aka Mrs. Giant
jetmonkey said:
p.s. I would have thrown the razor blade away with the bag and not given it a second thought. Quit being such ####ing babies.
Who is being a baby? :confused:

Fat Momma

Qurious said:
Me and my co-workers ordered lunch from Popeyes and there was a razor blade in the bottom of the bag.

Wrote a complaint online, and received a phone call the same day from the manager explaining what happened.

They offered us free lunch for the department.

If someone got cut, beleive me there would've been action taken.

Why do you have to start a thread with some lame ass question with story to follow? Then you always change things up. Was it a salad from Mc'ds or a bag of food from Popeyes.


New Member
Fat Momma said:
Why do you have to start a thread with some lame ass question with story to follow? Then you always change things up. Was it a salad from Mc'ds or a bag of food from Popeyes.
It's a conspiracy :jameo: It happened at both, they tried to kill her because she's black :jameo:

Fat Momma

AndyMarquisLIVE said:
It's a conspiracy :jameo: It happened at both, they tried to kill her because she's black :jameo:

Ok, I can agree with the conspiracy of trying to kill her...but not for being black. It would be for being an Dumba$$

BTW we don't claim her.
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