U.N. plans global gun ban


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
This 4th of July, while you and your family celebrate the 230th Anniversary of the founding of our great nation, there’s one party you won’t be invited to...

...And that’s the party that Kofi Annan is throwing at United Nations headquarters in New York — using your tax dollars — for nearly fifty dictatorships, six terrorist states, governments that endorse execution based on religious faith, and a multitude of other nations from around the globe.


...These dictatorships, terrorist states and so-called “free” nations of the world plan to meet on our home soil to finalize a U.N. treaty that would strip all citizens of all nations of their right to self-protection, and strip you of your rights under the Second Amendment.

Go here to try and prevent this. http://www.stopungunban.org/

Can you say "Cold, dead fingers?"


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kofi Annan doesn't have anything to say about the gun laws in our country. He can piss up a rope.


2A, did you send in your three letters? Looks pretty easy to me I do believe I will print, sign, and mail :yay:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Kofi Annan doesn't have anything to say about the gun laws in our country. He can piss up a rope.
Binding treaty on all members of he U.N.

Turn them in Mr. And Mrs. and to be PC, MS America ... or lock and load.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Binding treaty on all members of he U.N.
Oh bull. The UN can't just make law for the whole world. Not only will the US tell him to go to hell, but so will every other country except maybe France.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
Oh bull. The UN can't just make law for the whole world. Not only will the US tell him to go to hell, but so will every other country except maybe France.
Did you read any of the site? Your post indicates you didn't.

World Court ring a bell?


If this is such a dire threat why is LaPierre holding back all this critical information pending you sending him money? If you want to see the debate... send money. If you want to learn more about the threat... send money. If you want to know anything more than the snipits provided... send money.

If this is such a crisis why not just post all of the info so we can get properly fired up without all the "UN Girls Gone Wild!!!" sales efforts.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Did you read any of the site? Your post indicates you didn't.
I read the page you directed us to :shrug:

Anyway, we gave the finger to Kyoto, and I have no doubt we'll flip this one off, too.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Go here to try and prevent this. http://www.stopungunban.org/

Can you say "Cold, dead fingers?"

They have zero authority to do that. They have no more authority to tell us how to deal with our own citizens than my boss can tell me what hand to wipe my azz with.

You know, I was always of the opinion as a kid that the U.N. was this nice international organization formed to encourage and promote peace - and to at least provide a place of diplomacy for peaceful resolution of conflict. Since then, I'm more and more of the opinion that it's a useless debate club that occasionally does good humanitarian work but has zero effectiveness when it comes to resolving global conflict.

As I've been on the Web for many years, I begin to realize that some in the world see it as the eventual nexus of world government - and I find that completely laughable. When Iraq invaded Kuwait, the UN was content to sit around debating with its thumb up its butt - completely impotent to do a damned thing about it. When genocide was raging through Rwanda and the Balkans, they didn't even sit around and debate it. And for the past 60 years, Israel - a nation it essentially created - has been at the center of world conflict, and they've pretty much sat on their hands and condemned them.

Even if the BECAME a bona fide world government - they'd be totally useless. They'd be like those wimpy cops in "Demolition Man", who tell Wesley Snipes to drop his weapon - or ELSE. But they had no intent of actually using force, and Snipes' character KNOWS this, and ignores them, predictably.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Hasn't the UN been having this annual summit since back in the 90s? Let them call for it all they want. The reality is we are allowed to have guns and nothing they do or say can change that.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
Hasn't the UN been having this annual summit since back in the 90s? Let them call for it all they want. The reality is we are allowed to have guns and nothing they do or say can change that.
Until we, the U.S., signs the treaty. Then it will be a Constitutional conflict of momentous proportions. They keep trying. Eventually we will have a "Hillery" that will sign on unless we stop them from trying.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Eventually we will have a "Hillery" that will sign on unless we stop them from trying.
But we do not have a Hillary now. And you cannot stop people from "trying". You can only stop them from "succeeding".


vraiblonde said:
Kofi Annan doesn't have anything to say about the gun laws in our country. He can piss up a rope.
:yeahthat: He would cause a Civil war in this country. Won't give up my guns to anyone. :war:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Until we, the U.S., signs the treaty. Then it will be a Constitutional conflict of momentous proportions. They keep trying. Eventually we will have a "Hillery" that will sign on unless we stop them from trying.
A Hillary might sign such a document but it is useless (like Kyoto that Slick WIlly signed) as it is a treaty and requires the consent of the Congress.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Do nothing if you like. Or write three letters serving the U.N. notice. Your choice. All I did was try to make you aware.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Do nothing if you like. Or write three letters serving the U.N. notice. Your choice. All I did was try to make you aware.
I think nothing needs to be done, not only would a treaty have to get passed by Congress but the 2nd Amendment would have to be overturned by a Constitutional Amendment resulting in specific state legislative action. Do you really see that happening?


Super Genius
SamSpade said:
They'd be like those wimpy cops in "Demolition Man", who tell Wesley Snipes to drop his weapon - or ELSE. But they had no intent of actually using force, and Snipes' character KNOWS this, and ignores them, predictably.
:killingme That scene comes to mind every time I hear about the UN passing some toothless resolution.

"Maniac has responded with a scornful remark!" :killingme