U.S. seeks fliers possibly exposed to rare TB


Lem Putt
RoseRed said:
a 31-year-old personal injury attorney who practices law with his father in Atlanta,
It looks like he's going to have experience in the defendants chair after this one. If he infected even one person, he deserves to lose every penny he has or will ever have. What a maroon.


Well-Known Member
Bay_Kat said:
Reminds me of that movie with Dustin Hoffman I think. One scens is where this guy is in a movie theatre and he coughs and everyone gets sick. It's just freaky because you just don't know how far this can go.
that movie is some kinda scary.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
lovinmaryland said:
that movie is some kinda scary.

So are bunnies.

This dude needs to be left to the descretion of those he infected. As a personal injury attorney, he should've known better.


New Member
MMDad said:
It looks like he's going to have experience in the defendants chair after this one. If he infected even one person, he deserves to lose every penny he has or will ever have. What a maroon.

That is the worst color.


Look my ass glows!

"I feel awful," Andrew Speaker said, speaking through a mask with ABC's "Good Morning America" at his hospital room in Denver. "I've lived in this state of constant fear and anxiety and exhaustion for a week now, and to think that someone else is now feeling that, I wouldn't want anyone to feel that way. "I don't expect those people to ever forgive me. I just hope they understand that I truly never meant them any harm."

Sounds like an attorney :whistle:


Fubar said:
"I feel awful," Andrew Speaker said, speaking through a mask with ABC's "Good Morning America" at his hospital room in Denver. "I've lived in this state of constant fear and anxiety and exhaustion for a week now, and to think that someone else is now feeling that, I wouldn't want anyone to feel that way. "I don't expect those people to ever forgive me. I just hope they understand that I truly never meant them any harm."

Sounds like an attorney :whistle:

Yep and I heard on the WTOP this morning that several people are already planning to sue him.