U5 Soccer


Throwing the deuces
St. Marys Youth Soccer

Oh, different county. My oldest started soccer practices a few weeks ago and his first two games were suppose to be last week-end. Both got canceled because of the weather. Hopefully the weather will cooperate on Saturday for his games.


Well-Known Member
Hotdog grandkids soccer starts this Saturday (Northern Soccer League St Marys) I'll be off running around St Marys and Calvert for the grandsons games.


New Member
This is our first year doing sports. I am really excited about it. My son is too! Now i just need a van so i can be a real soccer mom...lol!


New Member
:howdy: My daughter is also U5. We had her 1st practice Monday and she had a lot of fun. I cannot wait to see her in action at Sat. game. Hubby is coaching her team.


New Member
We are team 511. The team is made up of 4 year olds. I am a tard....lol....our league is Northern Soccer League St Marys U5.....like OldHillcrestGuy.


New Member
I got my sons team in an email. He will be on team 3. I can't wait till monday!
Don't get too excited, SMYS is a joke. Probably the most unorganized association ever. Last year I had to be a coach(no soccer experience at all) and the league couldn't get us any rules or even a schedule til the 4th week of the season. My youngest daughter was in U-5 and it was a complete waste of money.


Free Rent
Don't get too excited, SMYS is a joke. Probably the most unorganized association ever. Last year I had to be a coach(no soccer experience at all) and the league couldn't get us any rules or even a schedule til the 4th week of the season. My youngest daughter was in U-5 and it was a complete waste of money.

SMYS, like everyone else, has its good eggs and bad ones. New changes are on the way. If you didn't like the way the division was run, ask to be a division coordinator.