Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


PREMO Member
🚀 Somebody needs to send Joe Biden a copy of Diplomacy for Dummies. The UK Daily Mail ran a totally predictable story yesterday headlined, “US sends destroyers to track Russian nuclear sub and warship carrying hypersonic weapons after flotilla passed 25 miles off America's coast towards Havana in chilling echo of Cuba Missile crisis.

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Yesterday, Russia’s nuclear sub Kazan and its newest warship Admiral Gorshkov made waves, enjoying a scenic Bahamas cruise. The two floating weapons and their support ships conducted “training exercises” just off Florida’s east coast, and simulated missile launches at hypothetical targets within a 300 mile range.

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In response, the U.S. Northern Command deployed three destroyers, the USS Truxtun, Donald Cook, and Delbert D. Black, plus a submarine tracking plane to keep tabs on the wily Russians. Democrats pointed out the good news, which was that since the Kazan runs on nuclear energy, it has a small carbon footprint. Unlike cows. (Eat more crickets.)

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Needless to say, the Kremlin’s scheme to send a small naval fleet cruising around the Caribbean followed right behind President Joe Biden’s decision to allow Ukraine to launch U.S. weapons against Russian turf. Russian media, more relaxed than humorless Western media, reported the story under their counter-headline, “Russian Ships Entering Cuba Give US a Dose of Its Own Medicine.

The Russians also noted that, a couple months ago, Biden ran a nuclear war exercise simulating an attack on Moscow — a first since the Cold War:

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So, tits and tats. Still, showing some measure of mature restraint, the Russians said they did not practice any nuclear strikes on U.S. soil. That’s all well and good, but as they say, ship happens. The reason the Cuban Missile Crisis is so well known is that putting all those paranoid sailors together in the same pond is a recipe for a very spicy bouillabaisse, in which we become the boiled shrimp.



PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday the corporate media platforms widely ran a story that was remarkable for the fact it was covered at all. The BBC’s article was headlined, “Vladimir Putin lays out terms for Ukraine ceasefire.” That headline, omitting Putin’s presidential title, was the least dismissive of the crop of one-sided reporting on the Russian President’s remarks.

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To get the full picture, we must first consider the competing narrative. Also yesterday, the Guardian UK headlined, “World leaders to gather in Swiss resort in attempt to forge Ukraine peace plan.” Sounds promising, right? Everyone is on the same peace page, and so forth.

Sadly, no. It’s 2024. What do you expect?

Russia was not invited to the Swiss peace conference (why invite Russia?). China and India were no-shows. And just wait till you see the top talent attending for America. And I hate to bring this up, it being such a sore subject, but Zelensky isn’t even a proper president anymore, not since his term expired last month amidst cancelled elections.

But nevermind all those problems. Ukraine is holding the taxpayer-funded, critically important “peace conference” at the most expensive, five-star place they could find, of course, since these days bureaucrats and public servants must be feted like billionaires to get any work out of them:

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Here’s the Bürgenstock Resort Lake Lucerne website. It looks very nice. Rooms start at around $2,000 a night and skyrocket from there.

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The peace conference is totally fake. Fake, fake, fake. A political stunt. One fact proves it: the U.S. is sending Kamala Harris. But the media is still doing its best to numb our brains and sell us this silly, champagne and caviar-fueled, kleptocratic show as real news, so we won’t object to paying for all the private planes, luxury suites for after-hours parties, and hundred-thousand-dollar dinners.

Let’s see how the media slyly packaged this awful boondoggle. Check out the Guardian’s description of Zelensky’s ‘peace conference’ goals, with the bar set so low that microbes can’t crawl under it:

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The conference’s goal is … a joint communique! A ‘communique’ is much better, much fancier, and much more expensive than some silly press release.

Communiques can only be developed in five-star resorts on Swiss mountaintops, after spa treatments, stuffed game hens, and high-tech pagan potlach rituals.

While they’re at it, they should let Kamala dictate the communique. It would be even more effective in her … unique voice.

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Either way. Swathes of lucky bureaucrats will enjoy a free Swiss vacation on your nickel today. And then, some staffer will type up a copy-pasted letter arguing, once again, that Russia is bad and NATO will keep fighting to the last Ukrainian! (In other words, according to the warbloggers, not for very much longer.)

Next, the Guardian openly admitted that the peace conference’s intended work product “is not seen as advancing peace in itself.” So, it’s a peace conference that is also a non-peace conference. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

Warmongering meeting is peace conference.

They’re not even hoping to get closer to peace. That’s not even on the agenda. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what top international government dollar buys you these days. I blame shrinkflation.

Finally, the Guardian frankly conceded that the whole thing is just a political stunt: “it will be seen as a success for Volodymyr Zelensky.” Seen. Seen as a success. In other words, not any actual success. Just optics.

And, haha, the Guardian’s article never called him president Zelensky. He’s just Zelensky now.

This brings us back to the top, the BBC article about Putin’s proposed peace plan. Yesterday, the Russian President — who was re-elected before his term expired — got out in front of the Swiss non-peace conference by outlining achievable, practical, realistic terms for a long-term cease-fire.

Unlike the non-peace peace conference, Putin actually described a path to de-escalation.

Putin’s proposal was simple and had only two conditions: First, Ukraine would withdraw all its troops from the four disputed regions Russia already controls. President Putin did not say those areas would become Russian. Second, Ukraine must agree to stop trying to join NATO. That’s it.

If Ukraine agrees to those two conditions, Russia will suspend all military activity indefinitely, and will begin diplomatically negotiating a permanent peace.

While Putin did describe Russia’s demands for the permanent peace deal, he also said they were prepared to negotiate, which in diplomatic-speak means there is some flexibility. In other words, you can’t expect Putin to make Russia’s best offer before negotiations begin.

The bottom line is Ukrainians could stop dying right now. Putin’s demand for Ukraine to withdraw from the contested territories has precedent: in 2022, Ukraine, guided by the Americans, insisted Russia withdraw from Kiev before negotiating a cease fire, which Russia did (Ukraine just used the time to reinforce its military and break the deal).

For a counterpoint to Western reports about Putin’s comments, here is the Russian TASS story about the proposal, filed yesterday under the headline, “Russia makes another real peace proposal to Kiev — Putin.

As if we needed more evidence of DEI’s complete failure in the military, yesterday U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin — who you’d think would understand practical battlefield conditions — rejected Putin’s offer out of hand:

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Wait, what? Putin is “not in any position to dictate” peace terms? Well. Secretary Austin will be very surprised when he finds out what’s been happening in Ukraine lately, whenever he stops partying and starts working again. The battlefield map is looking pretty grim just now. All the arrows are pointing the wrong way:

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Maybe Secretary Austin can be forgiven, since he’s probably listening to the Ukrainians. Ukraine, a legitimate glutton for punishment, also immediately rejected Putin’s proposal, calling the cease-fire proposal “absurd:”

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This appalling situation has its unique elements. A “non-peace” peace conference that deliberately excluded one of the two countries to the conflict. Luxury vacations for politicians while citizen soldiers ingloriously die in trenches. A simple cease-fire proposal by the winning country — amidst international efforts to broker peace — rejected without discussion. Negotiations appearing in headlines instead of at diplomatic tables.

What’s obvious is that neither Ukraine nor its Western allies want peace. Besides luxuriously treating themselves to fine wines and scenic getaways with our money, their singular goal remains: to badly beat Russia, leading to regime change.

We’ll see what kind of ‘peace formula’ the Burgenstock Resort conference produces. I’m not holding my breath.

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PREMO Member
Putin's navy is reminding the United States that it has recaptured the Soviet Union's ability to project naval power where and when it wants. And by extension, that if it wishes to send a potent reminder that it has the coordinates of America's cities if it ever came to unleashing the unimaginable, it doesn't need to base ballistic missiles in Cuba.

This display of military power by an adversary on the march is not something that has gone unnoticed by the American public. In a recent poll conducted by McLaughlin Associates, it becomes clear that our citizens are seeking strong, resolute, and unequivocal national leadership at a time of historic international tensions.

An overwhelming 88% of those surveyed said they were concerned about the prospect of a new Cold War, and more than half of the respondents feel that America's national security has declined. In addition, Putin's saber-rattling in Havana Harbor is a reminder that some 54% of Americans responding to the survey believe Putin is capable of using nuclear weapons against the United States.



PREMO Member
🚀🚀 First up, let’s review Biden’s cratering foreign policy. But don’t worry, everything is going just terrible. The Wall Street Journal ran a long-form, multi-media-laden story yesterday headlined, “How Putin Rebuilt Russia’s War Machine With Help From U.S. Adversaries.” I would rewrite that headline, instead wording it, “How Biden Rebuilt Russia’s War Machine With Help from NATO.”


The Journal’s disquieting sub-headline tossed in, “Iran, North Korea and China are supplying the people and know-how to tool up Russia’s factories and churn out arms for the war in Ukraine.”

Who did they think Russia would turn to for help after getting completely cut off by sanctions? But the story is much bigger than the Proxy War arms race.

To fully grasp the spectacular failure of Biden’s aggressive neocon policy, if you can call flying by the seat of one’s trousers a policy, we must first note a few historical facts.

Following the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, post-communist Russia was prepared to join the West. It even applied for NATO membership. But sneering NATO elites found Russia’s application incomplete, only letting it become a junior member of NATO’s Partnership for Peace in 1994.

Kind of like a NATO version of the awkwardly named Webelo; not quite a Boy Scout. Not yet. Maybe later.

The problem was neocons in the U.S. distrusted post-Soviet Russia. They were suspicious, convinced the country would flare back up into a communist superpower any minute. Instead, U.S. necons thought the new Russian Federation should be completely defeated and broken up, into tiny, manageable, bite-sized mini-states.

Thus began a long, painful post-Cold War cold war, the new Second Cold War. The war’s aims were to effect Russian regime change, overthrowing the new Russian Federation just like we overthrew the Soviet Union, and install a U.S.-friendly government. The eventual goal was to eradicate Russia, by dividing the Russian Federation into its component parts.

And so NATO, breaking a series of “informal” promises not to expand, continued inexorably marching east, through Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and a succession of smaller Baltic states toward Russia, finally landing next door in Ukraine.

Turning to Israel, over the post-Soviet years Russia developed friendly diplomatic ties to the Middle East’s lone democracy. This included substantial trade and a large Russian-speaking population in Israel. As its relationship with Israel grew, Russia respectively cooled its relations with Iran and Israel’s other regional aggressors.

Post-Soviet Russia also broke off its support to pariah states Cuba and North Korea. Before this month, Russia has always taken a hands-off approach to the two internationally isolated communist countries, respecting U.S. sanctions and its “pro-democracy” policy.

In other words, Russia was cooperating with the U.S.’s so-called international rules-based order. But now, as the Journal’s headline explained, the blundering necons, grasping for total, non-negotiable, hegemonic control, have managed to reverse decades of progress with Russia.

Russia’s relationship with China, which was downright chilly before the fall of Soviet Union, is closer than ever. Russia is furious at Israel over support for Ukraine, and now is working closely with Israel’s ally, Iran. Last week, Russia made a historic visit to Cuba, restarting the frozen engine of cooperation with the U.S.’s closest enemy, which was until now running on fumes. Yesterday’s Miami Herald headline, describing the conclusion of the Russian trip to Cuba:

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But even more significantly, yesterday, President Putin and North Korea’s Glorious Leader, the little rocket man himself, signed a full-on mutual defense treaty. Yesterday’s AP headline:

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That was disastrous news for U.S. ally South Korea. The South Koreans must be freaking out. Their little garbage balloon war just took a hideous turn. Like Israel, South Korea — surely bullied into it by the U.S. — also picked sides with Ukraine in the Proxy War.

Nobody should be surprised at any of these developments. Now that Russia has been sanctioned into the same pariah-state status as Cuba and North Korea, it has nothing at all to lose from partnering up with them. Not only that, but right after Joe Biden green-lighted Ukraine’s use of U.S. missiles to attack Russia’s cities two weeks ago, President Putin responded by warning that two could play at that game: Russia could arm U.S. enemies too.

Now he’s doing it. Why the neocons stubbornly ignore Putin’s warnings like a basket of deaf adders is a mystery for the ages.

In other words, decades of post-communist progress in knitting Russia into the Western international order was thrown overboard in two short years by the deranged Biden Administration. Sanctions had turned defiant Cuba and North Korea into third-world non-threats. Now the engine of U.S. opposition is running backwards.

Israel may soon regret its decision to side with the U.S. against Russia. Now that the rubber has hit the Middle Eastern road, Israel is starting to learn exactly what kind of alliance it has. This week’s headlines reveal Joe Biden’s Cold War with Israel, as things heat up in its post-October 7th wars. Yesterday’s UK Independent headline:

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Biden is mad at Israel, because on Tuesday, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted a video accusing Biden of deliberately withholding, or at least slow-walking, Congressionally-authorized military aid. Tuesday’s AP headline:

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Netanyahu’s short video was a political hand grenade tossed right into the middle of Biden’s careful fence-walking between his pro-Palestine and pro-Israel Democrat base.

Team Biden is not, as they say, amused, as the AP’s headline suggests.

Responding to Netanyahu’s accusation, intersectional White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre defensively blurted, “We generally do not know what he’s talking about. We just don’t.”

They generally don’t know what he’s talking about. Generally.

Finally, trust in the U.S. seems generally to have drained down to low tide. In Taiwan-crisis news, this week China accused Biden of trying to provoke a war there. Monday’s Business Insider headline:

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One would find President Xi’s claim laughable, except, well, you know. Maybe it was that “hellscape” crack.

Scientists would need an electron microscope to detect any trace of success in Biden’s pugilistic foreign policy. In other words, outside the U.S., Biden is failing everywhere his neocon ambassadors have been dispatched.

At least President Xi seems to be acting rationally. The other non-Western world leaders also seem wise and temperate compared to the Former Vice-President, whose main form of slurred speech consists of wearing aviator sunglasses indoors and pounding the podium like a certain mustachioed 1930’s chancellor I won’t mention.

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In two years, Biden’s neocon foreign policy, which was designed to abolish Russia, has instead created the Russian superstate the neocons have always feared. Increasingly, Russia, its allies, and its BRICS replacement system seem to the world to be a plausible, more sane alternative than the existing U.S. order with its dilapidated, dementia-addled leadership.

It is difficult to imagine a more spectacular failure. It’s like they never learned Aesop’s fables in kindergarten.

Once upon a time, a dog carried a juicy bone in his mouth while trotting contentedly across a bridge over a stream. Glancing down into the water, the dog saw his own distorted reflection and mistook it for another dog with an even bigger bone. Greedy to get the bigger bone, the moronic dog barked menacingly at his blurry counterpart. But when he opened his mouth to bark, the bone fell out and dropped into the water, leaving him with nothing but ripples in the stream.

The bone is Russia’s efforts to cooperate with the U.S.-led international order after the fall of communism. The mirage is the neocon’s paranoia about a Russian superstate. The dropped bone is American citizens, who are now cursing a blue streak and sitting painfully in the creek bed, nursing a broken ankle, cold, wet, and muddy, having been dropped off the bridge when Biden barked.

Or something like that! Maybe The Dog with the Bone is not an ideal metaphor. Maybe The Scorpion and the Frog would be better. Either way, you get the point.



PREMO Member

Many predicted Nato expansion would lead to war. Those warnings were ignored

“It would be extraordinarily difficult to expand Nato eastward without that action’s being viewed by Russia as unfriendly. Even the most modest schemes would bring the alliance to the borders of the old Soviet Union. Some of the more ambitious versions would have the alliance virtually surround the Russian Federation itself.” I wrote those words in 1994, in my book Beyond Nato: Staying Out of Europe’s Wars, at a time when expansion proposals merely constituted occasional speculation in foreign policy seminars in New York and Washington. I added that expansion “would constitute a needless provocation of Russia”.

What was not publicly known at the time was that Bill Clinton’s administration had already made the fateful decision the previous year to push for including some former Warsaw Pact countries in Nato. The administration would soon propose inviting Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary to become members, and the US Senate approved adding those countries to the North Atlantic Treaty in 1998. It would be the first of several waves of membership expansion.

Even that first stage provoked Russian opposition and anger. In her memoir, Madeleine Albright, Clinton’s secretary of state, concedes that “[Russian president Boris] Yeltsin and his countrymen were strongly opposed to enlargement, seeing it as a strategy for exploiting their vulnerability and moving Europe’s dividing line to the east, leaving them isolated.”


PREMO Member

Russia Blames U.S. for Deadly Ukraine Missile Strike on Crimean Beach

Russia’s Defense Ministry said both Ukraine and the U.S. bore “responsibility for a deliberate missile strike on civilians.” It said that U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles were used in the Ukranian attack.

Razvozhayev declared Monday a day of mourning in Sevastopol, with public events canceled.

Air defenses overnight shot down 33 Ukrainian drones over Russia’s western Bryansk, Smolensk, Lipetsk and Tula regions, the Russian Ministry of Defense said Sunday. No casualties or damage were reported.

A fresh attack on Kharkiv killed at least one person and wounded 11 on Sunday, according to local officials. Mayor Ihor Terekhov said the city was attacked by a guided bomb and that around half of Kharkiv was without electricity because of the strike.

Sunday’s attacks came after Russia struck Kharkiv on Saturday afternoon with four aerial bombs, hitting a five-story residential building and killing three people. Regional Gov. Oleh Syniehubov said that 41 people were still being treated for injuries on Sunday.


PREMO Member

Nigel Farage says Ukraine invasion is result of EU and Nato provoking Putin

"A consequence of EU and Nato expansion, which came to a head in 2014. It made no sense to poke the Russian bear with a stick. These are dark days for Europe."

Mr Putin has warned the international community of “consequences greater than any you have faced in history” as he declared the start of his invasion.

The Russian president had previously said he had no plans to attack Ukraine. He now says that “our plans are not to occupy Ukraine”.

Russia says that Ukrainian membership of Nato is unacceptable and claims it has been provoked into a military operation to defend separatist republics.

But the Ukrainian government and the West have characterised Russia's action as a "full-scale invasion".