Black Activists PANIC After Whites Leave City
"The ruling is sparking concerns about segregation."
I was in the Navy and the Army both. Because I'm not that smart, apparently.
I've been to both community college and a 4-year university (self-funded).
I was in the work force for about 65 years altogether, starting at around 15 years of age.
People tend to hang with people like them. It's in-group behavior. You know who separates themselves more than other people? Black people.
I've lived in areas of large cities, including Houston, Dallas, San Diego, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and have been in at least as many others, such as Evil DC, Tampa, Orlando, Portland, and others. In every institution, and in every geographic area, blacks self-segregate more than any other ethnic group.
I've lived in predominantly black areas, and have been kicked out of others - example: I was carpet cleaning in Houston with my partner. A black cop pulled us over - driving while white - and suggested to us that we were the wrong color driving in the wrong part of town at the wrong time of day (evening). So we got belligerent with him, resisted arrest, tried to take his gun, and were subsequently tasered and arrested, whereupon the DA released us without bail and not charges.
Oh, and I forgot to throw in the police dog who took chunks out of our hides. Oh well.
No. No we didn't. None of that happened.
We said yes sir, no sir, thanked the nice officer who happened to be black, and drove off into the sunset to "our" part of town, and did not spend the night in jail recovering from being tased and nursing our bruises from resisting arrest.
That's because a) we were raised better, and b) we were both military veterans who had respect for authority (as if we didn't have it instilled in us already) inculcated* into us in boot camp.
*I had to use the word "inculcated" in a sentence to justify the money I spent on 4 years of college. It sounds more innocuous than "pounded into us, which is pretty much what actually happened."