Ummmmm is there a side to take?


Well-Known Member
It was just the obligatory slap to show how Whoopi is not all in for every leftist. AOC was perfect for that since she probably didn't understand she was getting thrown under the bus.


PREMO Member
AOC: Billionaires Should Not Exist Because They Get Rich By Underpaying Their Employees

"And we all know how I feel about billionaires. I don’t think that in a place where 60 percent of Americans can’t even, you know, make more than $40,000 a year that the presence of a billionaire who largely makes their money off of businesses underpaying their workers like Walmart, like Amazon, like so on, should exist," she continued.

Bloomberg is spending huge sums of money on ads and campaign staff to make up for his late entry in the race and not being on the ballot in early primary states. He was also ineligible to be on the debate stage since he did have the need for donors until the Democratic National Committee changed its rules, allowing Bloomberg to appear for Wednesday's debate in Las Vegas.


Well-Known Member
After just seeing a snippet of the debates I think maybe it would have been better for Bloomers if he hadn't of been on the debates.