Unbelievably lenient sentence for cop


New Member
So, someone with as much integrity as yourself, and as somsone who feels the need to question the integrity of others would hire people known for dishonesty?

See, more lies by you. I never once said what I would do in that situation. Again, you try to project dishonesty where there is none!

Some disciplined previously by other police agencies for significant misconduct on duty?

What is the misconduct? Some agencies will call it misconduct if you take too much leave, even when your entitled.

Some who were flagged by background investigators for trying to manipulate the results of a polygraph exam?

I ask because according to the article, out of the 280 officers hired in 2010, 188 Were rejected for jobs at law enforcement agencies before being hired by the Sheriff's Department, 97 showed evidence of dishonesty, 2 were disciplined previously by other police agencies for significant misconduct on duty, 29 were fired or pressured to resign from a previous law enforcement job, 15 were flagged by background investigators for trying to manipulate the results of a polygraph exam.

It's easy to lump these things in and not explain what they did. Lets take a look at the below where they are saying these people are bad.
That's not counting cases in which applicants admitted to miscellaneous office theft when the value was less than $50 a year, at-fault car accidents that did not cause injuries, workplace tardiness, carelessness with public property, or instances in which applicants said they solicited prostitutes in countries where prostitution is legal or where The Times could not determine the laws at the time.

So are you saying a person shouldn't be a cop if they take a pen from work, get into a car accident, are late for work, or do something legal in another country?

It's a good thing the union failed to get a court order blocking publication, or we probably wouldn't know about it.

I thought the unions were so powerful?


New Member
I think it's hilarious that a man that claims others don't have integrity doesn't have enough himself to admit that he's grasping at straws. It just burns you up to think I don't fit the mold you want me to. You think I'm some long haired, dread-locked, pot smoking, criminal-record-having hippie screaming "fight the man!"

That's not what I think of you at all. I see you as a chubby cop wantabe who smoked weed when he was a teen but had no friends. You're an under achiever with a couple guns who hands out in the gym lockers watching all the cool guys.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Unbelievably lenient sentence for cop who fingered suspects’ anuses

The ringleader was identified as officer Michael Vagnini, a white man who routinely targeted black males as young as fifteen for sadistic — and blatantly illegal — anal searches.

One victim said that another officer put a gun to his head while Vagnini administered a choke hold, touched his scrotum and fingered his anus. Another man was probed so violently that he bled.

Wisconsin law clearly prohibits police officers from administering cavity searches. Only medical professionals may do so, and only when authorized by a warrant.

But lack of a warrant or a medical degree did not stop Vagnini from sticking his fingers inside a 15-year-old boy’s anus and touching his genitals during a traffic stop in December of 2011.

The Journal Sentinel documented at least a dozen similar instances of Vagnini performing invasive, illegal searches on black men. According to his reports, some of the victims were indeed carrying drugs, though they contend that the officer lied about the details and even planted drugs inside their bodies.

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I think he's one of the few who are really going to enjoy his nights with big bubba.