
If you had any relative captured by the Japs in WW2. Don't watch.
My Uncle, a marine was on the Bataan Death march. This shows the cruelty of the Japs. Glad my Dad was in Germany.


Well-Known Member
An elderly gentle, the dad of an ex girlfriend back in the early 70's, was a bomber crew member and was shot down over Europe. He didn't talk about it, but I do remember him saying the Germans were angels compared to the nips.

A fascinating book, and I just bought the movie a few weeks back. A good film, pretty accurate to the book, but the book is the best. Laura Hildenbrand is an outstanding historian and author.


Well-Known Member
Have not read the book but did see the movie last nite. Very good and well acted. I will borrow the book from my daughter to read.


Power with Control
Dad was shot down and floated for three days, but thank god he was picked up by the carrier Shangr-La. I watched a POW roundtable discussion a few years back, and amazingly, they had representative POWs from every conflict from WWII to Desert Storm. The ones held by the Germans made a point of giving respect to the POWs from Korea, Vietnam and Japan.


My grandfather was in WWII. I have several pictures and awards - one metal with a certificate written in Greek - as in it is from Greece for shooting down enemy planes.

As for the movie, it is excellent and they did keep most of the story true to what really happened. It is a long one so be prepared to be parked in a seat for 2 - 2 1/2 hours but you won't want that time back.


I watched it the day it came out in Red Box, didn't think I'd like it, but knew my husband would. We both really enjoyed it.


Well-Known Member
Read the book...riveting.

Arranged to have a Bataan Death march vet come to my class about a dozen years ago. It was the first time he felt he could talk to a group.

...still couldn't control his language regarding the "nips."....those scars run VERY deep.


God bless the USA
Read the book...riveting.

Arranged to have a Bataan Death march vet come to my class about a dozen years ago. It was the first time he felt he could talk to a group.

...still couldn't control his language regarding the "nips."....those scars run VERY deep.

That is cool you had the Veteran speak to your class. More should be aware, so thanks for giving your class that opportunity. Hub and I both read the book and saw the movie Unbroken. Hard to watch but riveting at the same time. We watched The Railway Man today. Similar story. The human spirit and the will to survive is amazing.

Have a safe, happy, and reflective Memorial Day tomorrow, y'all. :patriot:
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Power with Control
I dont know if they covered it in the movie, but the after story for the one Japanese soldier who tormented him the most is pretty crazy. Hid working on a farm or something like that for a number of years til the search for war criminals was legally over,then went on to become a successful businessman.