
Which unfaithfulness is more destructive to a marriage/relationship:

  • Physical abuse

    Votes: 13 28.3%
  • Virtual (porn)

    Votes: 2 4.3%
  • Emotional

    Votes: 26 56.5%
  • Adultery

    Votes: 21 45.7%

  • Total voters


To get specific, Webster's Dictionary defines Unfaithful as : not faithful: a : not adhering to vows, allegiance, or duty : DISLOYAL <an unfaithful friend> b : not faithful to marriage vows <suspected her husband of being unfaithful> c : INACCURATE, UNTRUSTWORTHY <an unfaithful copy of a document> .

Where in the wedding vows does it get specific about Physical, Porn, or Emotional Abuse? Not that any of it is right, but we have to evaluate your use of the term Unfaithful.

In my opinion Physical Abuse is not Unfaithful, BUT it is a reason to get out and in a heart beat and shouldn't even be considered for this poll because it's not Unfaithful. Don't get me wrong, no person should ever be subject to Physical Abuse by any means, but it does not fall under Unfaithful.

Porn in my opinion is not Unfaithful, unless one of the parties in the relationship is completely against it. Porn is meant to be a tool to assist people in a relationship with having healthy sexual relations. If both get off on porn, then hell yeah, life is good.

Emotional, are you talking about Emotional Abuse or Emotional Infidelity? Emotional Abuse is as bad as Physical and cannot be considered Unfaithful. Emotional Infidelity is bad, but if you read all of the articles on it, even having a friend of the opposite sex could mean you are having an emotional affair.

Adultery, is the worst in my book and is the exact definition of being Unfaithful, breaking marriage vows and or promises to a Significant Other.


New Member
Angel said:
Adultery, is the worst in my book and is the exact definition of being Unfaithful, breaking marriage vows and or promises to a Significant Other.

I do believe that I have to agree with Angel

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Adultery and physical abuse are at the same level for me, top of the heep. If you can beat on someone you say you love or climb into a bed with another you don't need to be together.

Emotional unfaithfulness is what, thoughts, secrets, the unreal and imagined? Or is it verbal abuse, character assassination, just being miserable together without the physical abuse or maybe one of them is disappearing for a week with no word or warning?

Virtual unfaithfulness - surfing porn or watching adult movies is up to the two of them to work out, but I can't see it as a deal breaker, after all at times it's an excellent ice-breaker/mood maker. If it's a major issue for one of the partners then it's easy enough to work out when the other can enjoy them.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
My girlfriend just got off work from the hospital and YMed me about a paralyzed patient that hit on her today. I feel emotionally abused, a paralyzed man is stealin' my woman. What does that say about the bottom half of me?:eyebrow:
Hey, if it is John N. from the Willows and if he thinks he has a chance you can bet that he will go for it. BTW his idea of a chance is anytime that he is still breathing. Bet he's already fondled her, look for bruising BuddyLee. :lmao:


off the shelf
BS Gal said:
Physical abuse is the worst. Been there, done that, left town.

When you have physical abuse, most of the time you also have the psychological and emotional abuse(which IMO is the worst) with it

Bruises and broken bones can heal in a short amount of time, however, the emotional and psycological scars that someone leaves can take a life time to over come....JMO

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
onebdzee said:
When you have physical abuse, most of the time you also have the psychological and emotional abuse(which IMO is the worst) with it

Bruises and broken bones can heal in a short amount of time, however, the emotional and psycological scars that someone leaves can take a life time to over come....JMO
I remember walking from his apartment to mine, and him telling me what a loser I was and pushing me down, and every time I got up, he'd push me down in the street again. I left the next day and never looked back


It's Great to be American
BS Gal said:
I remember walking from his apartment to mine, and him telling me what a loser I was and pushing me down, and every time I got up, he'd push me down in the street again. I left the next day and never looked back

IMO Physical abuse is the most distructive to the marriage itself. Although it is true that emotional abuse takes longer to heal, at least you have a chance to heal. In some cases, those that are in relationships where there is physical abuse, the victim does not have the chance to recover because they could end up dead.