Union haters


This. ------------------>
All of you Righties who despise unions must hate all of your favorite football players right now.


I bowl overhand
All of you Righties who despise unions must hate all of your favorite football players right now.

You don't find if hilarious that multi millionaires NEED union representation to get better benefits? Every time they strike I dislike professional sports that much more.

Even their minimum wage players make over 3 or 4 times the National average wage and with awesome benefits, but apparently they never can have enough. Spoiled little children.
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24/7 Single Dad
All of you Righties who despise unions must hate all of your favorite football players right now.

:shrug: Just like the UAW, they'll price themselves out of the market.
I suspect you'll see a lot of empty seats in the stadiums this winter, ticket prices will go up to cover their new salaries and all the folks getting laid off due to Obama's policies won't be buying a ticket. Don't think the folks he laid off at NASA will be buying any tickets


NFL players claim they need all this money because their average career is 3.7 years. Well after 4 years, in my opinion, they can fall back on the degree they earned from college. Wait a minute, half of them come out of college early to pursue a career in the NFL...well, then they can be treated like any of the other DROP OUTS in America and scrape a living like the average American...do you realize that 1000 of the 1850 NFL players make 300k a year (league minimum)? If the average American makes 40k a year, they make in one year what we make in almost 8 - or they make in 4 years what it takes us 32 years to make!!!

That was just the "simple" math. Let's take this out to year 4.

At the 4th year, a league veterean is guaranteed 625k per year. Anyone making league minimum after 4 years is probably a situational player like a punt returner, special team player, kicker, dime back, etc. Those 32 years I mentioned in the first paragraph is probably more like 45-50 years in actuality. Now, an owner sees that he is paying 1 person 625k to play special teams...why wouldn't he cut that player and get himself 2 rookies for 600k (300k each) and hope that one of them plays as well as the 4 year vet? It only makes good business sense.

That is the primary reason the careers are only 4 years long. Sure, there are injuries that end careers - but in the end, the players (and the unions fighting to get them all they can) have priced themselves out of the market.

Note: all money numbers came from ESPN radio Wednesday night (7/20).


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
You don't find if hilarious that multi millionaires NEED union representation to get better benefits? Every time they strike I dislike professional sports that much more.

Even their minimum wage players make over 3 or 4 times the National average wage and with awesome benefits, but apparently they never can have enough. Spoiled little children.

NFL players claim they need all this money because their average career is 3.7 years. Well after 4 years, in my opinion, they can fall back on the degree they earned from college. Wait a minute, half of them come out of college early to pursue a career in the NFL...well, then they can be treated like any of the other DROP OUTS in America and scrape a living like the average American...do you realize that 1000 of the 1850 NFL players make 300k a year (league minimum)? If the average American makes 40k a year, they make in one year what we make in almost 8 - or they make in 4 years what it takes us 32 years to make!!!

That was just the "simple" math. Let's take this out to year 4.

At the 4th year, a league veterean is guaranteed 625k per year. Anyone making league minimum after 4 years is probably a situational player like a punt returner, special team player, kicker, dime back, etc. Those 32 years I mentioned in the first paragraph is probably more like 45-50 years in actuality. Now, an owner sees that he is paying 1 person 625k to play special teams...why wouldn't he cut that player and get himself 2 rookies for 600k (300k each) and hope that one of them plays as well as the 4 year vet? It only makes good business sense.

That is the primary reason the careers are only 4 years long. Sure, there are injuries that end careers - but in the end, the players (and the unions fighting to get them all they can) have priced themselves out of the market.

Note: all money numbers came from ESPN radio Wednesday night (7/20).


Larry Gude

Strung Out
All of you Righties who despise unions must hate all of your favorite football players right now.

Hate isn't the right word.

I don't really much like the monopolies the owners have; too much gummint.

I don't much like some kid earning a league minimum wage of $300,000 a season to play and then paying something like 1/2 of that in taxes, federal, state and local. Too much gummint.

I don't like the subsidies to owners for stadiums. Too much gummint.


Nothing to see here

I was wondering if you were gonna weigh in.



I am in full agreement with retiredweaxman, tired of the smoke and mirrors of the players how they have around 4 yrs to make money. Well, they can set themselves up for life in those 4 yrs if they want, plus they got a free ride at school to get themselves a degree to support theirselves after football.

Its a crazy world when owners get their arms twisted into giving almost 50% of their profits to someone that doesn't risk a thing monetarily and gets a handsome salary to boot.

I would be just as happy watching scabs play; unions are out of control.