Unusual sightings


Donkey Smell
Not so much weird as funny....

As a teen, driving around town with a girl in the car. Turn a corner and see a water tower light up just right, looks like a UFO. I start yelling "UFO! UFO!" knowing full well what it was.

She freaked. OMG did she freak. She truly thought it was and we were about to be abducted.

Question is:
Did you tag it?



What is the purpose of deer, besides humans eating them?

they are huge rats. kill em all

That's fine if mamatutu wants her deer family and maybe you can relate to this comment DoWhat because I know you also work very hard on your yard.... but I really don't want this to be a habit... next thing you know, they are eating your flowers, hostas, azaleas and are a common nuisance to your garden. :ohwell:

We were out in the yard yesterday with this deer following us.... left for hours, and minutes after we returned home, so did the deer.
It was only feet away from my porch munching on clovers in my front yard, last night and I wouldn't be surprised if it rings my door bell next. One neighbor yelled out his window yesterday afternoon to make sure I keep my new "pet deer" in my own yard (he was kidding of course) but....

it needs to go away... AND I really feel it is dangerous for the tike to not be afraid of people.


mama to two
Dakota, FYI, I too had problems with the deer eating my plants. I discovered LiquidFence Deer and Rabbit Repellant spray last year. It works! I found it at KMart.


I was walking our dog a few weeks back, and our neighbors had about 20 buzzards in their backyard and 10 on their roof. Really weird. There is a creek in their backyard and they were there to get a drink. Haven't seen them since.

A side story - a friend of mine does wildlife rehabilitation. One of her co-rehabers was given an abandoned baby turkey buzzard to try to save. The eyes weren't even open yet. She was able to save him...now comes the funny part. The little baby imprinted with her. She was now it's mother. He followed her everywhere. They lived on a farm and drove around on a golf cart to check on cattle, horses, etc. The buzzard would ride on top of the golf cart. He would wait outside the kitchen door for her to come outside. When she needed to go somewhere in their car, the buzzard would fly above the car. He would stop at the end of their property and wait for her to return. He hung around for several years, but finally took off with a lady buzzard.

There is a house in Hollywood/Leonardtown area, on Rt. 245 that commonly has numerous, 20 or more buzzards sitting on top of the roof. It is so freaky seeing them just standing on the roof.

I'm glad I just have a juvenile deer issue at the moment and not gangs of buzzards hanging out on my roof.


Dakota, FYI, I too had problems with the deer eating my plants. I discovered LiquidFence Deer and Rabbit Repellant spray last year. It works! I found it at KMart.

I may just take some preventative action soon instead of crying my eyes out later.

Many people were surprised by this deer in our yard like we were because they stopped and took pictures. I think what is shocking is to see our cat sniffing the grass only a foot away from the tike.

We are used to people stopping in front of our house because we do grow giant sunflowers that have been taller than our 2-story house.
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Would like to shoot the ones that eat my garden, but can't in this area.


We think this may be a male and it is back this morning. Just grazing my front yard.

I was reading that males are left by their mothers when they turn 1 year old, often abandoned in unfamiliar territory, wonder a bit, have trouble finding food at first... that sort of thing.

Today we had another neighbor inform us that we have a young deer hanging out in our front yard. :lol:

I said I am well aware of that and he is free to a good home or even a not so good home. :shrug: He declined. :mad:


..if momma ain't happy...
Since this has turned into a deer discussion....


Deer were almost none existent in St Mary's County by the early part of the 20th century. I can remember Robert Thompson talking about relocating deer to this area.

We counted thirty-two of the critters in the field in front of our house last week. Looked and acted like a herd of beef, just milling around, totally unconcerned that we were out there watching them.

I will admit, we get a lot of pleasure out of watching them. But I like fresh veggies from the garden better, which they have a tendency to also like.

Brushing my dog near my gardens seems to help keep them away from that area.


Well-Known Member
Since this has turned into a deer discussion....


Deer were almost none existent in St Mary's County by the early part of the 20th century. I can remember Robert Thompson talking about relocating deer to this area.

We counted thirty-two of the critters in the field in front of our house last week. Looked and acted like a herd of beef, just milling around, totally unconcerned that we were out there watching them.

I will admit, we get a lot of pleasure out of watching them. But I like fresh veggies from the garden better, which they have a tendency to also like.

Brushing my dog near my gardens seems to help keep them away from that area.

Could only get five of these loaded.


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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Post your unusual stuff here. Saw something last Friday in Prince Frederick. You see birds all the time and houses, but I saw this house with a whole bunch of birds on it. I know that's not unusual, but the birds were all buzzards! You don't get those things on top of your house unless something is dead. I'm not talking one or two buzzards, these were more like twenty of them. Never saw that many gathered on the roof of a house. And the house was not some old run down mansion. Nice place and fairly new. Wish I would have thought to take a picture.

Every time I've seen large groups of buzzards, there's always been a good reason, even if not completely obvious. They're drawn by *smell*. Turkey vultures in particular have about the keenest sense of smell known to animals. There might not have been a dead animal visible, but there might have been dead flesh somewhere in the vicinity - even *buried* or otherwise not visible.

Once, visiting my parents, we had tons of vultures outside and it wasn't until late afternoon that my sister divulged she had tossed some spoiled meat over the fence. Somehow she hadn't made the connection.