Update on staph infections in Calvert County Public Schools


wandering aimlessly
This stuff bothers me, especially as my kids are involved in contact sports and are also social butterflys.

A mom brought a huge thing of disinfectant and purell to practice last night and had coaches disinfect all equipment before and after practice.


Soul Probe
I can't verify this but I've been told that one Chopticon High School student has Staph but it has yet to be determined if it's MRSA. Supposedly Chopticon will be disinfecting the school tomorrow during professional day.


Watch it
Not exactly Calvert/SoMd centered, but this might be of interest:

S. aureus and MRSA Survellance Summary 2007l | CDC Infection Control in Healthcare


"Invasive Infections
Invasive (i.e., serious) MRSA infections occur in approximately 94,000 persons each year and are associated with approximately 19,000 deaths. Of these infections, about 86% are healthcare-associated and 14% are community-associated."

From what I read, even MSRA cases are not necessarily HORRIBLE unless they are the invasive strand that is the least common. So even if a child has MSRA in our counties, it could be the lesser of the two types. On another note, my cousin received this infection a few years ago in Miami and nearly died as a teenager. Yikes. But hers was hospital related, not school related.


wandering aimlessly
I can't verify this but I've been told that one Chopticon High School student has Staph but it has yet to be determined if it's MRSA. Supposedly Chopticon will be disinfecting the school tomorrow during professional day.



I think you would be shocked to know how many people have had it, they don't tell you about it because it's so gross!


bite me
I've had two boughts with that MRSA and it's not fun.... It put me in the hospital for ten days both times....

I'm with you... I thought it was only one of the football players at Calvert High.... and as soon as they diagnosed him they cancelled practice and disinfected the school....I heard the multiples were in Virginia...not here...

Perhaps the others were discovered at a later time?


bite me
Lots of people in St. Mary's have had it too. My son and I both had it last summer, I believe we got it from a shower house in a camp ground in Ohio. ( I only shower in my camper now ) Hubby never got it, I don't know why, we sleep in the same bed, shower in the same shower???? Can't figure it out. Son and I were on Med's for 30 days. It is very, very, painful. You will know it when you have it for all the pain and how nasty it looks.

what do you mean by "looks"?


My Sweetest Boy
This stuff bothers me, especially as my kids are involved in contact sports and are also social butterflys.

A mom brought a huge thing of disinfectant and purell to practice last night and had coaches disinfect all equipment before and after practice.

This has been around for awhile. There is mass hysteria about it now.


I don't know why it is just now becoming a big thing when so many people had it a year ago. It's all over the US, know people in Texas & Florida that have suffered from it. I was not put in the hospital but it took a month worth of Meds to get rid of it. And I felt tired for a long time after. months after.


It looks like a reclues spider bite, it turns your skin black and eats away at it...very, very painful. It oooozzies puss, any more you want to know..it is very gross!! People will not tell you they have it or have had it because it is so gross...Embarassing even.


Main Streeter
I've had two boughts with that MRSA and it's not fun.... It put me in the hospital for ten days both times....

I'm with you... I thought it was only one of the football players at Calvert High.... and as soon as they diagnosed him they cancelled practice and disinfected the school....I heard the multiples were in Virginia...not here...
About ten years ago a friend of mine got from (he thought) the mats at the marshall arts studio he practiced at.

This is really strange how all of sudden, all these reports seems to be coming out of the woodwork.


Just think.... every time you go to the hospital or your doctor - The cuff they put on your arm is rarely if ever cleaned. This is a big pet peeve of some hosptial techs I know. :whistle:

That's one of the reason that so many people actually catch this in the Healthcare environment and not socially.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
It looks like a reclues spider bite, it turns your skin black and eats away at it...very, very painful. It oooozzies puss, any more you want to know..it is very gross!! People will not tell you they have it or have had it because it is so gross...Embarassing even.

It is interesting that you describe it as such. I've known three people diagnosed with spider bites that have taken an incredible amount of time to heal. Two wouldn't even show the site of "injury" and the other person's "bite" was so horrific - REALLY - I thought I was going to puke. I seriously don't know if I could've handled having such an obscene and grotesque flesh-eroding/blackening, hole-digging etc.. site on my arm. And he had no energy, like they say spider bites incur. So, it just makes me wonder about mis-diagnosis. :shrug:


Go Jeff Gordon
Spider bites can also cause Cellulitis. My husband was in the hospital for 2 weeks and antibiotics would only work for a short period of time and stop. He finally had surgery to remove the infection out of his knee before it started to get into the bone. They had to scape the bones to make sure they got all the infection out.


New Member
My brother-in-law had it 2 weeks ago. They had to dig a hole in his leg to get rid of all of the infection. Yuck! He got it playing college football.