Updated Info For the Charity Event for Hospice and Meet and Greet for SOMD.com


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Fun time! I'm sitting on my fingers to not post how much money was raised for Hospice - I'll let Rondevous do the honors.

Nice meeting all of you and nice seeing the folks I hadn't seen in awhile. :yay:


professional daydreamer
So the guys are out :cheers: and we're sitting here twiddling our thumbs waiting to find out when and where. :rolleyes: Should we go to the guys?


It was a pleasure meeting those i've never met before
:popcorn: soooo when is the next get together :lol:
"maybe i can drink next time"



It was $723 but Hart Karaoke put in $100 today and then I added another $77. to make in $900.

Thanks to ALL of you.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Kick Ass. Way to go SOMD.com forumites. An excellent way to have fun and help others at the same time. :yay: :yay:


Big thanks to
Sharon Hart and Bill from Hart Karaoke for donating their time and money (come in and see her EVERY Saturday night)
Bozick Distributing (Coors Light) for the chair set and coolers that we auctioned off.. As well as the shirts, bottle openers, and other cool items.
Guy Distributing (Budweiser) for shirts hats and key chains
Country Store for additional tables
Ed for additional chairs
Sandi and Mark for bartending all night for no tips (next time you see them, give them a tip they can keep)
All the SOMD.com forum members (you guys made it all happen)
And last but not least Dee Jay and David.
Rondevous said:
Big thanks to
Sharon Hart and Bill from Hart Karaoke for donating their time and money (come in and see her EVERY Saturday night)
Bozick Distributing (Coors Light) for the chair set and coolers that we auctioned off.. As well as the shirts, bottle openers, and other cool items.
Guy Distributing (Budweiser) for shirts hats and key chains
Country Store for additional tables
Ed for additional chairs
Sandi and Mark for bartending all night for no tips (next time you see them, give them a tip they can keep)
All the SOMD.com forum members (you guys made it all happen)
And last but not least Dee Jay and David.

Great! :clap:

I, kwillia, do not condone any kwillia pics being posting...:nono: What happens at the Vous should stay at the Vous...:bubble:


I wish I had gone, it sounds like everyone had big fun!

Just wanted to say KUDOS to you all for the funds you raised!


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
Fun time! I'm sitting on my fingers to not post how much money was raised for Hospice - I'll let Rondevous do the honors.

Nice meeting all of you and nice seeing the folks I hadn't seen in awhile. :yay:
I was thrown for a little loop last night.. After looking at your AV all this time, I was expecting HER!! But was great to have met you, and a great cause.. I give money every year to the local HOspice where-ever it is I'm living. Good job done by all.

... Yes I am fine thank you for asking...

AND Bad Girl was at home, she volunteered to take her mom for a week-end so her sister could have a week-end out of town with her husband, but she wanted me to go to represent "US".... I did behave.. which probably really isn't a very good representation of US..

and Jazz.. we were there.. *woof*


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
kwillia said:
Great! :clap:

I, kwillia, do not condone any kwillia pics being posting...:nono: What happens at the Vous should stay at the Vous...:bubble:
I bet some pictures could be matched with those that one sees at the Post Office. :biggrin:


I bowl overhand
sockgirl77 said:
Didn't really meet you. nor were we formally introduced.. but was told who you are.. and was taken by surprise. Not what I expected.

WISH I could have stayed longer, I know the fun started after I left it ALWAYS does..

I was sooo going to dance with CMC last night.. on the pool table.. with a lamp shade on my head..