Upon a quick Google Search:


No Use for Donk Twits
He's out because he's a convicted felon now!!! :whistle:

Although he'd probably get a lot of votes from people who don't pay taxes but want to get paid!!! :coffee:

Might not be a bad choice though. He could protect Obama from that blood sucking female vampire that ran against him.

Go G-Men

New Member
Affirmative Action has reached it's goal. Unless the unthinkable happens and Mikey gets his wish:lol:, we are going to have our first Black President inaugurated on Janurary 20, 2009. :shrug:

What more is there? The Roadmap to Equality is complete. Black men are competitive in baseball. Black men are capable of getting degrees and becoming world-renounced doctors and lawyers. Hell, a black man's even won a NASCAR race. And now, this nation is giong to have it's first black President.

As far as women, they have also achieved equality in the public's eye. They too are becoming doctors and lawyers. Hillary Clinton finished 2nd in the record breaking Democratic Primaries of 2008. Women are competitive in golf, and in other sports which have paved the way for an equal pass. There have been many women pioneers from Rosa Parks to Hillary Clinton to Danica Patrick.

The Road to Equality has been achieved. :shrug:

I see no more reason to have Affirmative Action. :shrug:

Can you please explain how you put Hillary in the same breath as Rosa Parks... Hell even Danica Patrick for that matter?