uppity teenager


New Member
bcp said:
Couple years ago I was in a parking lot out in front of the store.
I was loading my daughter and the stuff we bought into the car when this car load of teens came up and got pissed because I was taking too long to get her in the car seat and they couldnt pull right in next to me.

I ignored their complaints.

daughter strapped in, Im now walking around the back of the car to get to the drivers side when one of the teens got out of their car and started to cuss me out.

so I backhanded him hard enough to spin him around and land him on the trunk of his car.
I asked if he had anything else to say, or if anyone else in the car had anything else to add.

They all insisted that everything had been said that was needed.
I told them to move their car out of my way before I backed into it and pushed it out of the way.

they were gone before I could get the truck started.

I wonder if they think twice about mouthing of at people they dont know now?

Good for you. :clap:


Stubborn and opinionated
beerlover said:
I have a thirteen year old son who has gotten a little bit too big for his britches lately. I know teenagers are often hard to deal with and I expect the usual rebellion and moods and all that. But he has been disrespecting his mother more and more lately and this morning he told her to "Shut the f'ing door". Only he said the whole word. She didn't do anything to him other than say "watch your mouth". I think that kind of disrespect calls for a bit more punishment. My first thought is to give him a punch in the stomach and tell him never to talk to my wife like that again. I know "back in the day" that's how it would have been handled, but times are different now. What kind of punishment would you dole out for this kind of thing? Restriction from TV/Computer/PlayStation? Restriction to his room? Belt whipping?

If I had ever spoken to my mother in this fashion I'd have gotten a fist to the chops......................and then another one when Dad got home. I was taught at an early age to respect my elders. You have to start teaching that when they're young. You can take away priveleges now but it won't matter.

"Back in the day" seemed harsh to me but I understand perfectly now. Thanks, Mom and Dad.:huggy:


No Longer the Kid
Penn said:
:yeahthat: In my home, growing up, that is just something that would never have been tolerated. Mom would have slapped me silly, and THEN I would have had to wait until dad got home for the rest of the story. :shutup:

Did we have the same parents :lol:


Dancing Up A Storm
Wickedwrench said:
If I had ever spoken to my mother in this fashion I'd have gotten a fist to the chops......................and then another one when Dad got home. I was taught at an early age to respect my elders. You have to start teaching that when they're young. You can take away priveleges now but it won't matter.

"Back in the day" seemed harsh to me but I understand perfectly now. Thanks, Mom and Dad.:huggy:

Did we have the same parents :lol:

Many of us were raised like that it seems. It wasn't until I was into my 20s, that something began to occur to me, watching other people's kids, and even a few of those my own age. Some of them, obviously did not receive the training my parents gave my sister and I.
Mom and dad raised us kids that way for a reason: that we would have respect for others(in general :lol:), and by letting us know where the boundaries were, that we would discover just how far to push those limits.

Today, there doesn't seem to be anything like that being taught to these kind of kids - where they don't have to perform chores. No chores to do = no responsibility to these kids. No responsibilities? How far does your imagination have to go, to realise the next step(s) in these young people's lives?


New Member
My sister came wailing to my wife about this same problem. Her son told her to STFU and she fell to pieces. The root of the problem is that her husband uses that word in casual conversation so what should she expect? The way most of the guys at my job talk, I'd expect all of their kids to be potty mouths.