All the services are doing it this year... USAF - 40,000, USA - 100,000, USMC - 10,000, USN - 3,000
Combs as usual is full of sh!t. It has nothing to do with sequestration and it is not performance based. There are no military position cuts related to sequestration.
Republicans are NOT in charge of the DoD. Conservatives are not driving Military cuts. eff you Combs, you POS liar... As usual the democrats have all the management skills of celery. Unfortunately this has propagated down to Obama political appointee military planners. Panetta and his political cronies he has taken along with him to every single agency he's effed up have got to go.
My son was caught up in the DOS Rollback done by the USAF. Why? Because his DEROS was dead on the date they have to be out by. Even though his entire chain-of-command tried to keep him. So now he will be out more than 3 years before his DOS by contract. When he asked for terminal leave it was denied, why? Manning... WTF!!! You are excess but we cannot afford to let you go.