US navy ups fuel supplies to Gulf forces


Ubi bene ibi patria
"LONDON: The US military has stepped up chartering of tankers and requests for extra fuel in the US Central Command area, which includes the Gulf, shipping and oil industry sources say.

A Gulf oil industry source said the charters suggested there would be high naval activity, possibly including a demonstration to Iran that the US Navy will protect the Strait of Hormuz oil-shipping route during tensions over Tehran’s nuclear programme."

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan


New Member
The Iranians are having a practice run in the Gulf of Hormuz, this probably has something to do with sending more oil.

But isnt it nice that the people at Gulf Oil who supply the oil , are telling the enemy what we are doing?

Doesnt anyone know how to keep their friggin mouth's shut.

The enemy doesnt need spies, all they have to do is read .


Ubi bene ibi patria
Loon Report

US navy ups fuel... 11-26-2007 03:15 PM You bore.


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