US sailors cancer from helping at Fukushima


mama to two
This story is so infuriating, and so sad. Why do we have to help the World, anyway; we have enough going on at home? I can't believe Japan knowingly let our service members be exposed to radiation. I wonder if it was intentional. The attitudes and patriotism of the ones affected are truly amazing. I hope and pray they will all make it through this horrible situation.


Routinely Derailed
This story is so infuriating, and so sad. Why do we have to help the World, anyway; we have enough going on at home? I can't believe Japan knowingly let our service members be exposed to radiation. I wonder if it was intentional. The attitudes and patriotism of the ones affected are truly amazing. I hope and pray they will all make it through this horrible situation.

I'd be willing to bet that all involved knew the risks. This is the kind of thing which makes our military people so very wonderful. Having been in the Navy myself, I know that when you're needed, you get there, and you do what needs to be done. Marines know it in more personal terms than I do.

Humanitarian aid is what nations sometimes do for each other. It's a thing motivated by compassion as much as by politics. Nations like ours don't like to stand by and let a crisis go without aid we can supply.

There's no need to be infuriated by this story, IMHO. This thing was a natural disaster with more far-reaching implications than most, for the immediate victims as well as for those who rendered aid.
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This story is so infuriating, and so sad. Why do we have to help the World, anyway; we have enough going on at home? I can't believe Japan knowingly let our service members be exposed to radiation. I wonder if it was intentional. The attitudes and patriotism of the ones affected are truly amazing. I hope and pray they will all make it through this horrible situation.

I agree. I had some training years ago from the NRC about radioactivity. The bottom line- radiation exposure is one of the worst ways I could think of to die. Depending upon the type of radiatiion, length of exposure, it has the potential to be a slow and painful death.

I have honestly come to the conclusion that our nation cares more about foreign nationals than our own people. In fact, our nation is quickly starting to lose it's idenity as the "United States of America" as we become the "United Nations of America, if not the World. In fact, it seems to be fitting that the UN is based in the United States.

What I believe is one of the worst things, our government cuts the benefits of our Vets and then when they come home injured or with PTSD, we seem to cast them aside; frequently without the care they need. It is a shame what our Country does to our own people. What is worse is how we as Americans allow our elected officials to get away with it. We need to get every person, regardless of party of of Washington DC. Washington is long over due for a good house cleaning. And don't forget, even if you elect them out of office. They don't care. They elected for themselves full salary with full benefits, even after they leave office. Maybe they will accept Obamacare for their insurance. What do you think?


mama to two
I agree. I had some training years ago from the NRC about radioactivity. The bottom line- radiation exposure is one of the worst ways I could think of to die. Depending upon the type of radiatiion, length of exposure, it has the potential to be a slow and painful death.

I have honestly come to the conclusion that our nation cares more about foreign nationals than our own people. In fact, our nation is quickly starting to lose it's idenity as the "United States of America" as we become the "United Nations of America, if not the World. In fact, it seems to be fitting that the UN is based in the United States.

What I believe is one of the worst things, our government cuts the benefits of our Vets and then when they come home injured or with PTSD, we seem to cast them aside; frequently without the care they need. It is a shame what our Country does to our own people. What is worse is how we as Americans allow our elected officials to get away with it. We need to get every person, regardless of party of of Washington DC. Washington is long over due for a good house cleaning. And don't forget, even if you elect them out of office. They don't care. They elected for themselves full salary with full benefits, even after they leave office. Maybe they will accept Obamacare for their insurance. What do you think?

I think you are correct, and I could have never said it as well as you did!:yay:
I think we have a POTUS that is terrible at foreign affairs/diplomatic policy which is not a good situation, since America is so involved in the World. I think our Veterans are not treated with the dignity and reverence that they deserve; it is because of them that America remains free. As for politicians, many but not all, are in it for the power/prestige and have no intention of representing their constituents. I just hope in the elections of 2014 and 16, major changes will be made because America will have finally woken up.


Not White House Approved
I'd be willing to bet that all involved knew the risks. This is the kind of thing which makes our military people so very wonderful. Having been in the Navy myself, I know that when you're needed, you get there, and you do what needs to be done. Marines know it in more personal terms than I do.

Humanitarian aid is what nations sometimes do for each other. It's a thing motivated by compassion as much as by politics. Nations like ours don't like to stand by and let a crisis go without aid we can supply.

There's no need to be infuriated by this story, IMHO. This thing was a natural disaster with more far-reaching implications than most, for the immediate victims as well as for those who rendered aid.
I don't those sailors had an option, where ever the ships goes, you go, period.

The Regan and Essex were exposed to radiation while operating off the coast, a lot of the aircraft and gear got contaminated with radiation, so did a lot of the sailors on board.


I don't those sailors had an option, where ever the ships goes, you go, period.

The Regan and Essex were exposed to radiation while operating off the coast, a lot of the aircraft and gear got contaminated with radiation, so did a lot of the sailors on board.

You are somewhat correct. When the radiation accident happened, we quickly sent over some of our folks to help out who had "some" radiation training from the aircraft carrier that was tied up at port in Japan during the time of the accident. At first we thought our carrier that was tied up there was enough of a distance away to not be a concern. We were wrong. Japan itself downplayed the extent of the release. The alarms went off on our carrier at the port several times. After the second time, we ordered the carrier to set sail, even though a substantial amount of the crew still had not reported back. They realized that the alarms were for actual radiation exposure while at port, a substantial distance away. The closer to the incident, the higher the exposure. Radiation is cummulative. And depending upon the type of radiation, even a short exposure can be serious.

You will get the politicians and the brass in the military that will try to brush it off to just a little more than walking out in the sun with out wearing sun block for a few days. But in reality, it is serious. If you research the effects of radiation exposure, you will find it will also lead to child defects if the exposed people have children. So you see, it may not be limited to just our exposed service member. The effects of this release can last for generations. I was trained just enough about radiation to scare the crap out of me. I am not for, or against Nuclear energy. I just know enough to respect it and stay as far away as possible.

And God forbid if CCNPP ever has even a moderate problem. We have the potential to have significant issues right here. We enjoy the "so-called" clean energy it produces. But, at what cost further down the line? And when the license was renewed, are all critical components replaced to last throughout the new licensing period? I do not know the answer to this question. Only time will tell. I will say there is one thing we know that is currently established. We do have a significant cancer rate in Southern Maryland. Our family members and our young children are dying from cancer left and right. So, are all sources of cancer, radiation sites such as nuclear plants, superfund cleanup sites, etc., really fully reported by our government when there is a leak? Based on the flood of cancer I have seen, I very much doubt it.


Active Member
I have a hard time believing this one. Right now we have the media hype. Why would they put a multi billion dollar aircraft carrier in the path of radioactive effluent from the damaged reactors. The activity of the water for ships use would be easily detected. If they detected any activity, the ship is easily movable. I think we need a lot more information.