Thank you for noticing, I do work on my patience here very much. On a few occassions they do get to me though.

Because I am a Christian and that means I must give the message and give witness and testimony against the injustices and the wrongdoing and if it fails then I did my duty. Like John the Baptist or even Christ was executed for telling the infidels that they were wrong. The old Sanskit scriptures (I like all religions) in the Bhagavad-Gita it says to do right regardless of the consiquences or the threats and I like that. To turn the other cheek means to provoke the infidels to slap it again. These election campaigns let me put all my wild religious ideals to the test, I got to do the same in jail of testing the principles and it was a wild adventure indeed. Gandhi called it "experimenting with truth."
There are many ways in which to win, one can even win by loosing per the Tao Te Ching.

That concept has some truth to it but we must not race to do wrong. We must give the right way the full chance. And if at some point it feels that some wrong must be done then do it only in small doses and with great care.