US Torture is wrong.


New Member
JPC sr said:
:jameo: Thank you for noticing, I do work on my patience here very much. On a few occassions they do get to me though. :jameo: Because I am a Christian and that means I must give the message and give witness and testimony against the injustices and the wrongdoing and if it fails then I did my duty. Like John the Baptist or even Christ was executed for telling the infidels that they were wrong. The old Sanskit scriptures (I like all religions) in the Bhagavad-Gita it says to do right regardless of the consiquences or the threats and I like that. To turn the other cheek means to provoke the infidels to slap it again. These election campaigns let me put all my wild religious ideals to the test, I got to do the same in jail of testing the principles and it was a wild adventure indeed. Gandhi called it "experimenting with truth."

There are many ways in which to win, one can even win by loosing per the Tao Te Ching. :jameo: :jameo: That concept has some truth to it but we must not race to do wrong. We must give the right way the full chance. And if at some point it feels that some wrong must be done then do it only in small doses and with great care.
Well good luck with the campain, i dont think you'll win just because of the offset of people that dont agree with your views, which greatly seem to have good motives behind them(somewhat) but still they loose meaning and get all wacko halfway thruh.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

Papi4baby said:
Well good luck with the campain, i dont think you'll win just because of the offset of people that dont agree with your views, which greatly seem to have good motives behind them(somewhat) but still they loose meaning and get all wacko halfway thruh.
:jameo: I have a plan to campaign little or not at all until close to election day and then run an ad in all the area's major newspapers saying I am a Democrat for pro life against Hoyer the abortion on demand Democrat so that will be the only issue to vote on.

People vote on morality more then any other reason. :whistle:


Methodically disorganized
JPC sr said:
I am a Democrat for pro life against Hoyer the abortion on demand Democrat so that will be the only issue to vote on.

People vote on morality more then any other reason.
But your favorite topic is...
JPC sr said:
And Hoyer is abusing his position by pressuring the military and Hoyer is dumping his greed growth all over this 5th District.
Why continue to beat that horse if abortion is your key?

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

hvp05 said:
But your favorite topic is...Why continue to beat that horse if abortion is your key?
:jameo: Politics kind of requires it of me, that I must tell why I am the right candidate and also why the other guy is not right.

Plus it is some thing to talk about on the forum.

On my website is my real position and my advertisement and that stuff is not put there.:whistle:


JPC sr said:
:diva: Well now that the "enemy" has at least 3 American prisoners in Iraq do you give them the same authority to waterboard the American soldiers? and do interigations by their deffinition?

I do think it is now fairly impossible for the USA to ask others to follow the Geneva Convention with our Americans as their prisoners.
Now that one of those Americans has apparently showed up floating in the Euphrates River with a bullet hole in his chest and head I want you to provide one instance where our interrogators summarily executed then dumped the body of one enemy prisoner.

One thing I can say is they seem to be using a more “humane” approach as apposed to their previous tactic of sawing off heads with a rusty machete.

JPC sr

James P. Cusick Sr.
Scofflaw and Personal Responsibility.

PsyOps said:
Now that one of those Americans has apparently showed up floating in the Euphrates River with a bullet hole in his chest and head I want you to provide one instance where our interrogators summarily executed then dumped the body of one enemy prisoner.

One thing I can say is they seem to be using a more “humane” approach as apposed to their previous tactic of sawing off heads with a rusty machete.
:jameo: We, the USA, are the ones that had to show the way, it was up to the USA to show the Geneva Convention to this war, the USA is the occupying army, now there is no reason at all for the enemy to spare any prisoner be it soldier or citizen.

We lead by example and if we live by violence then we will reap it right back at us. :whistle: