USA about to complete colossal upset...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I know I misread the post. They had Brazil also but blew it.

I didn't see the Spain match, so I don't know if we 'beat' them or just won. They, we, never 'had' Brazil. It was like watching a balloon fill with water the first 45 minutes. In the second half, the balloon burst. Brazil is clearly superior to us, by miles. Only some excellent goal keeping in the first kept them scoreless and they had 4 in the second (the one was clearly in) that could been 5 or 6.

It seemed clear to me that no matter how many they needed in the second, they'd have got them. :buddies:

Peter Forsberg

New Member
I didn't see the Spain match, so I don't know if we 'beat' them or just won. They, we, never 'had' Brazil. It was like watching a balloon fill with water the first 45 minutes. In the second half, the balloon burst. Brazil is clearly superior to us, by miles. Only some excellent goal keeping in the first kept them scoreless and they had 4 in the second (the one was clearly in) that could been 5 or 6.

It seemed clear to me that no matter how many they needed in the second, they'd have got them. :buddies:
USA was giving them way to much room outside on the wings. It really was 4-2 but because the one shot was clearly all the way over the line but the refs missed it. Oh well will see what happens in the world cup in 2010.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
USA was giving them way to much room outside on the wings. It really was 4-2 but because the one shot was clearly all the way over the line but the refs missed it. Oh well will see what happens in the world cup in 2010.

Giving? The US played some GREAT d the whole game. This was a case, to me, of them 'taking' and us simply not being able to do much about it.

They are simply better than us talent wise. A good bit. More of them. Their second and perhaps third stringers would all make our national team...and start.

Our best athletes do not play soccer. Everyone else's best do. :buddies:

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Giving? The US played some GREAT d the whole game. This was a case, to me, of them 'taking' and us simply not being able to do much about it.

They are simply better than us talent wise. A good bit. More of them. Their second and perhaps third stringers would all make our national team...and start.

Our best athletes do not play soccer. Everyone else's best do. :buddies:
That's what we need some 300lbs linemen playing defense. :killingme


They're out to get us
Giving? The US played some GREAT d the whole game. This was a case, to me, of them 'taking' and us simply not being able to do much about it.

They are simply better than us talent wise. A good bit. More of them. Their second and perhaps third stringers would all make our national team...and start.

Our best athletes do not play soccer. Everyone else's best do. :buddies:

They played pretty good defense the whole game, except for a few plays...most of which led to goals. They were very tired at the end and you could see brazil outrunning them. There needed to be substitutions and the coach didn't even start it until it was 2-2, even though it was VERY obvious for the past 10-15 minutes that they were getting winded.

It was also annoying that most of the 2nd half, Brazil held a clear advantage in midfield. Every time Howard had a goal kick or had control and booted the ball, Brazil seemed to win the battle. Through 60-65 minutes we seemed to play very even and then we started to slip. Bradley was missed and substitutions would have been great.


They're out to get us
Shots; Brasil 31, USA 9
Corners; Brasil 10, USA 5

we always seem to be at a disadvantage with shots and corners, even in our 3-0 win against Egypt. we had pretty even ball possession until Brazil started walking all over us and we had it in their territory a bit, but we weren't taking as many shots. We seem to make the most of our shots on goal though. After it was 2-0 against Brazil, our last 4 shots on goal all went in (since we only had *2* shots on goal against Spain and score on both). Thought that was pretty interesting.