Use Caution When Swimming Or On The Beach


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Is it Really a Water Moccasin?

Honestly - since the snake is aquatic I can see it come across from VA to Souther MD. Is it really that huge of a stretch of imagination? :shrug: Cause technically, the Brown Water Snake only resides as far north as say..VA. Did you all mean a Northern Water Snake?
Northern Water Snake
Notice the small head, NOT rectangular. Very much like a Cottonmouth except for the disposition and the triangular head. Some, in other locales they resemble Copperheads.
The ones around here look like this:


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Northern Water Snake
Notice the small head, NOT rectangular. Very much like a Cottonmouth except for the disposition and the triangular head. Some, in other locales they resemble Copperheads.
The ones around here look like this:

I took this picture this past weekend in St. Jerome's Creek. Just a water snake. Is this what you saw?


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I am so very blessed
Sounds like a often told tale that became fact through longevity. Much like George Washington and the cherry tree!
Perhaps you missed the point in my post where I said that I saw them.

Retard. (and I mean that in the nicest way possible)


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PREMO Member
Perhaps you missed the point in my post where I said that I saw them.

Retard. (and I mean that in the nicest way possible)

"I remember taking a little crabbing boat around shore to go catch soft crabs, and there was a very specific tree that was known to be a haven for snakes, particularly water mocossins. While I'm sure that they ventured out away from that dead tree, we knew to never never never get too close to it."

Ahhhhh, good times.

Right you are! I missed the part about you seeing them. Could you please point it out? Buttfudge! (and I mean that in the meanest way possible)


Obama destroyed America
"I remember taking a little crabbing boat around shore to go catch soft crabs, and there was a very specific tree that was known to be a haven for snakes, particularly water mocossins. While I'm sure that they ventured out away from that dead tree, we knew to never never never get too close to it."

Ahhhhh, good times.

Right you are! I missed the part about you seeing them. Could you please point it out? Buttfudge! (and I mean that in the meanest way possible)
Ummmm...... you should read more....

I recall growing up on St. Jerome's Creek and seeing lots of water moccasins. It's not a stretch of the imagination to believe that they are still here. :shrug:

I believe it.


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PREMO Member
Ummmm...... you should read more....

I replied to the thread about the tree that was a "haven for snakes, including moccasins". No where in that thread was there any mention of seeing any snake. Other than occasional accidentals, there are no moccasins in MD, therefore there is/was no special moccasin tree. Every one of us has been a victim of the made up story that we truly believed but never saw. has a ton of them! And I am sure your buddy Baja28 is appreciative of your attempt atcoming to the rescue.


Horse Poor
I recall growing up on St. Jerome's Creek and seeing lots of water moccasins. It's not a stretch of the imagination to believe that they are still here. :shrug:

I believe it.

:yeahthat: I also grew up on St Jerome's creek. My dad & uncle were waterman. At times out on the creek we seen them...We were taught at a young age to watch out for them.....:coffee:


I recall growing up on St. Jerome's Creek and seeing lots of water moccasins. It's not a stretch of the imagination to believe that they are still here. :shrug:

I believe it.

They have NEVER been here and never will be here unless we do have drastic global warming. They cannot survive the colder water that our winters provide. You may have seen something that looked like a cottonmouth, or that someone eronously told you was a cottonmouth, but it was NOT a cottonmouth.


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ANACONDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jameo:

LMAO! But seriously, last night my wife saw a huge one-eyed spitting snake in the bedroom. They like living in bushes and dark, moist places. They can be poisonous but not usually, unless they have been in previously infected bushes. Usually quite aggressive when played with and are known to strike rapidly and numerous times. Their coloration varies between a pinkish with purple head to black with a dark purple head. Also, the head is sometimes covered by a fleshy appearring hood that retracts when aroused. The black variety is rumored to be larger than the pink. Interestingly, only the males are ever seen in the open. There have been sightings of pseudo one-eyed spitting snakes but they are usually differently colored and tend to vibrate when touched. Almost always they go for females but occasionally they will go after a male which can cause a deadly infection called AIDS, an abbreviation for Anally Injected Death Serum. They are native to all parts of the world except Antartica, although there are occasionals that go there.


Obama destroyed America
I replied to the thread about the tree that was a "haven for snakes, including moccasins". No where in that thread was there any mention of seeing any snake. Other than occasional accidentals, there are no moccasins in MD, therefore there is/was no special moccasin tree. Every one of us has been a victim of the made up story that we truly believed but never saw. has a ton of them! And I am sure your buddy Baja28 is appreciative of your attempt atcoming to the rescue.
Break this down into comprehensible english and I'll respond. :lmao:


Obama destroyed America
I replied to the thread about the tree that was a "haven for snakes, including moccasins". No where in that thread was there any mention of seeing any snake. Other than occasional accidentals, there are no moccasins in MD, therefore there is/was no special moccasin tree. Every one of us has been a victim of the made up story that we truly believed but never saw. has a ton of them! And I am sure your buddy Baja28 is appreciative of your attempt atcoming to the rescue.
Your post 25 said: "Right you are! I missed the part about you seeing them. Could you please point it out?"

I pointed out where she said she saw them (even if she saw brown water snakes). Looks like you're the buttfudge. :killingme


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Your post 25 said: "Right you are! I missed the part about you seeing them. Could you please point it out?"

I pointed out where she said she saw them (even if she saw brown water snakes). Looks like you're the buttfudge. :killingme[/QUOTE

OK, look back. I replied to a post regarding a snake infested tree. My reply stated that since she (in that post!!!!) did not report ever seeing any snakes around that tree I think it might be a long established BS story. The post you are refering to said she saw many snakes on St. Jerome's Creek but she didn't mention the now famous snake tree. Regardless, the whole long thread is about and "outbreak of moccasins" in the area. There is not any outbreak of moccasins nor an infested snake tree. End of discussion.
I see only one way to settle this controversy once and for all. A good old fashioned snake hunt! It will take place in St Jeromes Creek and led be by BadGirl. We're gonna need us some burlap sacks, beer, minnow nets, beer, some snake sticks, beer, perhaps waders and a shallow draft boat or two. Oh and some beer.


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