I read a book about Iwo a LONG time ago and it had a list in the back of honor awards and why they got it. 100's of men were given posthumous trinkets for jumping on grenades, sacrificing their lives for their mates. That moment belongs to the men they saved and a name on a boat, #1, there isn't enough of them and, #2, the idea of ranking that sort of thing, this size boat for this guy, that size for the other, to me, rather trivializes the whole thing. That's just Iwo. What about Okinawa? Tarawa? Actions on board we've never read or heard about? Our duty as citizens is, it seems to me, not about this sort of thing but about see their sacrifice was worth it. I think we did that post WWII. We have not done it since.
The way to honor a solider is to see to it that his life is not wasted.