V-22 Osprey: Wonder Weapon Or Widow Maker?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let's give some credit here...

elaine said:
I haven't read the article, and have no doubt that you're correct in your assesment, but there's always the possibility that he used "propellers" to dumb it down.

...at least he didn't say "beanie cap thingies".


NOT Politically Correct!!
Larry Gude said:
...that depends. Which way were they going and did it appear they were trying to go that way?


Good question, I'll go out and see if he's still there... :whistle:


Iron City
Ponytail said:
OK. I'm on page 6 of about 50 now, and I'm convinced that this author is a moron taking cheap stabs at something that he is aither incapable of investigating himself, of just to lazy. There are so many errors that are arguable using only info available to the general public, its ridiculous.

He even refers to the rotor system as "propellers". :lol: He states that a "V22 cannot carry an up-Armored HUMVEE" yet there are pictures available to the public of such an event, and I've even seen several pictures in calendars over the years.

I really can't see reading beyond page 10 of this 50 page report. But I will, because due to it's recent "release", I'm sure the news groups will have a field day with it, or try to.

I can't view it....I remember when DoD was looking into the accidents years ago, who conducted the investigation & who wrote the report, just curious?


New Member
HUMVEE that the author says the V22 can't lift...


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New Member
mrweb said:
I can't view it....I remember when DoD was looking into the accidents years ago, who conducted the investigation & who wrote the report, just curious?

Lee Gaillard is the name of the author. He doesn't quote or note what his sources are as he makes statements. Most are blanket opinions so far.


New Member
i am sure when they go active there will be problems, aircraft always do, the F/A-18 sucked at first, the CH-53E was grounded because of its tail rotor, every aircraft will have problems that make it past the initial testing, count on it.


Lovin' being Texican
Ponytail said:
OK. I'm on page 6 of about 50 now, and I'm convinced that this author is a moron taking cheap stabs at something that he is aither incapable of investigating himself, of just to lazy. There are so many errors that are arguable using only info available to the general public, its ridiculous.

Is this guy AndyMarquis' MPD?


Iron City
Ponytail said:
Lee Gaillard is the name of the author. He doesn't quote or note what his sources are as he makes statements. Most are blanket opinions so far.

Thanks PT. I don't know the guy. I was working at DoD IG at the time and if memory serves, there were problems with the quality of the investigation and a rush to get the report out.


Lovin' being Texican
scottrobts said:
i am sure when they go active there will be problems, aircraft always do, the F/A-18 sucked at first, the CH-53E was grounded because of its tail rotor, every aircraft will have problems that make it past the initial testing, count on it.

Democrat Congress


Lovin' being Texican
Ponytail said:
Me, or the author? Dang...didn't notice those blunders of mine till you so graciously highlited them for me. :lol:

The author of the opinionated, unsupported, outdated report.


Lem Putt
Ponytail said:
What the weight of an up-armored HMMWV?
M1114 is 12,100 lbs.

Did the article say if they are talking single hook or dual? If they said single, they are right. If they mean dual, the Osprey can lift it, but there would only be 7,000 lbs left for Crew, fuel, passengers, and cargo. Not really useful.

Compared to the 46, it carries way more, but doesn't come close to replacing the 53 for external load.


New Member
MMDad said:
M1114 is 12,100 lbs.

Did the article say if they are talking single hook or dual? If they said single, they are right. If they mean dual, the Osprey can lift it, but there would only be 7,000 lbs left for Crew, fuel, passengers, and cargo. Not really useful.

Compared to the 46, it carries way more, but doesn't come close to replacing the 53 for external load.

10,000 lb single, 15,000 lb if both are used for one load.

And not useful? How far do you expect that they'd need to carry an armored HMMWV???
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New Member
This report is a mess. I see now why the author has held so many different jobs for so many different companies in several different countries including France. He's an idiot.