VA Executive Bonuses.. WTAF??


Well-Known Member

Apparently, some of the higher level Government executives received $100K bonuses??!!

I always thought that SES government employees were capped for bonuses. How the hell do you bonus someone making $200-250K per year a damn $100K bonus??!!


Well-Known Member
The VA needs to be dismantled and veterans need to be given access to regular healthcare. Completely worthless organization that by far does more bad than good.
I'm in desperate need of hearing aids among other service connected issues. Not drawling a dime in disability, NOT a mooch like many. Refuse to play hurry up and wait games. I wish the private sector docs could determine situations.
Perfect example one I know getting PTSD from seeing a exploded prop wacking off someones toes. BFD, no big deal to most everyday experience of almost year in Tonkin Gulf. My Son in law a jarhead stateside getting it for who knows what, never deployed in 4 years.


Well-Known Member

Apparently, some of the higher level Government executives received $100K bonuses??!!

I always thought that SES government employees were capped for bonuses. How the hell do you bonus someone making $200-250K per year a damn $100K bonus??!!
Salary capped, bonuses don't count (neither do housing allowances, per diem, mileage, any other non-wage payments).


Well-Known Member

Apparently, some of the higher level Government executives received $100K bonuses??!!

I always thought that SES government employees were capped for bonuses. How the hell do you bonus someone making $200-250K per year a damn $100K bonus??!!
There's a reason it's newsworthy. That said, SES do tend to get large bonuses as they are salary capped well below what industry would make for a similar level of responsibility, but the largest I have personal knowledge of was around $20k.