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Mom2threebabies said:I have been called "ignorant" and many other names on here just because I ask people to be informed about vaccinations.
I am not telling you not to get your children vaccinations. It is your right as a parent to get them or not. Mandated vaccines are not the law and there's a waiver exemption for every state upon public school entry.
See, you don't understand her logic, because you haven't studied medicine and vaccinations like she has.briancpest said:My Microsoft Bob text to speech isn't working at the moment.... so i cant get the full gist of what you're saying here.... on accounta i doesn't read.
But, as far as my little mind can comprehend, you're saying a vaccination should be completely banned because 28 children, out of the i assume thousands who have taken it, had complications.
wait.... I had a list of vaccinations and medicines that have absolutely no side effects or possible complications around here somewhere. Shoot, where did i put that? :shrug:
I guess the CDC doesn't consider 28 children requiring surgery after receiving the vaccine to be a moderate/severe reaction.
itsbob said:See, you don't understand her logic, because you haven't studied medicine and vaccinations like she has.
What she failed to tell you, is after the RotaVirus vaccination 28 babies had ill effects, 16 of which required surgery, before the vaccination 20 - 30 would have DIED.
Personally, if given a choice, I think I'd rather have my child suffer complications and require surgery instead of have them die.. and who's to say, maybe these babies that had complications are the ones that would have died without the vaccine.
Apparently she hates babies, and is pissed off that these drug companies keep finding ways to save their lives.
Compared to telling parents their child died of RotaVirus I'd say yes, that is much less severe.