


Holy Cow!!! My Hoya's did it!!! :clap: :clap: What a hell of an ending!!! :yahoo: :yahoo:


otter said:
Georgetown going to the final 4..:yay: Heck of a game.

:clap: :clap: Not as nearly dramatic a their last game but OT certainly helped!!! :clap: :clap: TarHeels still don't know what hit 'em :lol: Georgetown likes to hold off their punishment on the other team until the last 20 seconds left in a game, no matter how far they are behind.. :lol: Yeah Hoyas!!!! Yeah!! :clap: :clap:
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Wheelin' said:
NC looked like they were going to do it. :buttkick:
UCLA will win it all :larry:

Yeah... with the refs help... :lol: FINALLY, the refs stopped helping them out the entire game :lol: Yeah Georgetown!!! :yahoo: ...however, you are correct... UCLA does look like a pretty good ball club this year but I don't think they are enough to beat Georgetown...Georgetown is a strong team and generally wait until the last few minutes of the game to start playing to their full ability. Also, helps to have Patrick Ewing SR. scowling at everyone the entire game like he did this game. :lol:


Sponge Bob, No Pant's!
dems4me said:
:clap: :clap: Not as nearly dramatic a their last game but OT certainly helped!!! :clap: :clap: TarHeels still don't know what hit 'em :lol: Georgetown likes to hold off their punishment on the other team until the last 20 seconds left in a game, no matter how far they are behind.. :lol: Yeah Hoyas!!!! Yeah!! :clap: :clap:

Your from St. Mary's. :smack: What do you know about Georgetown :popcorn: