


Wheelin' said:
Your from St. Mary's. :smack: What do you know about Georgetown :popcorn:

I'm not "from" St. Mary's and I've always followed Georgetown college basketball. :shrug: I was a kid that grew up in the 80s when it was Georgetown, Villanova and St. Johns always competing... then I started hanging out in Georgetown a lot because my grandmother was dying at Georgetown hospital. I liked Georgetown and never stopped :shrug:
Also, unlrelated if its college football I roote for Nortre Dame... and my NFL team is the Redskins, other than that I don't follow any other sports :shrug: But my three teams I do follow religiously :lol: Does that help answer your question :shrug: :smile:


Pitty Party
dems4me said:
I'm not "from" St. Mary's and I've always followed Georgetown college basketball. :shrug: I was a kid that grew up in the 80s when it was Georgetown, Villanova and St. Johns always competing... then I started hanging out in Georgetown a lot because my grandmother was dying at Georgetown hospital. I liked Georgetown and never stopped :shrug:
Also, unlrelated if its college football I roote for Nortre Dame... and my NFL team is the Redskins, other than that I don't follow any other sports :shrug: But my three teams I do follow religiously :lol: Does that help answer your question :shrug: :smile:



Time for a nap
We have season tickets to Gtown games. Last year they tripled in price when Gtown went to the elite 8. I hate to see what next year's bill will be...:banghead:

It will be worth every penny, don't get me wrong!!!!