

Lobster Land
Just wait for an older age and getting snipped is no longer necessary. I only know this because a friend told me.


Active Member
Yeah, nay?

Pros? Cons???


After my wife and I decided not to have any additional family, I had it done. I didn't think it was fair for my wife to go through major surgery to get her tubes tied or subject her to birth control pills for many more years. For me, it was done in the surgeons office, in and out in no time. One of the best decisions I've made!
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They call me ... Sarcasmo
Got to keep the cauterizing pen the Doc used too. :yay: Though it is odd to see smoke coming from your ballsack.


New Member
16 yrs ago, wife and I chose not to have kids, I had 3 boys, she had one of each, had it done, told 99% effective, we now have a 14 yo daughter.....
my mom was dying of cancer and prayed for a granddaughter, i had said i wanted a girl, wife wanted a summer baby, thanks to moms prayers , we all got our wish. they say the body can heal its self......go figure.....
the power of prayer


Power with Control
But seriously, I did have a complication. Slight infection. Doc says "I have to open it up to clean it out...... Anasthetic has its own pain going in..... The new stitches, they will go quick....." Talk about Hobson's Choice.....


Active Member
Best decision I made. Took very little time to perform and the recovery time was pretty short (I had it done on a Wednesday afternoon and took Thur/Fri off). Probably didn't need to but I was walking a bit gingerly for a bit.

Best I can do is run you through the details of the proess (how the surgery goes, etc) and the recovery afterwards. That should give you all the feedback you need. But I will spare you the details for length unless you are genuinly curious. But all in all - I am glad I did it. No ill affects.


not impressed
Great decision and the nurse that shaved me was excellent. Apparently I was flirting with her and telling her how gentle she was.


Throwing the deuces
My husband had it done after the birth of our second son. We had a deal that if I had a C-Section, I'd get my tubes tied. If not, he'd get snipped. All went well until we got home and my older son, who was 3, asked Daddy where he had his surgery. He pointed and without hesitation, my son hauled off and clocked him right in the crotch. My husband fell, knees locked and straight down. I grabbed my son so that if by chance my husband could muster enough strength to get up and grabbed him for revenge. We can all laugh about it now. :lol:


Obama destroyed America
Nothing to it. Over in 10 minutes. No pain during or after. Dr. J was telling jokes about growing peppers that looked like a dick. Said he was going to put them in a jar on the office counter. Nurse & I were cracking up.


Power with Control
Not if you're doing it right

Hmmm, how do you burn something with no visible smoke? Or has technology advanced in this regard since say 1997? I had smoke, was joking about it :)

Do I need to be crass abut this???? :tap:

No you don't, and no worries in that regard, no difference afterwards in any way other than less worry about tying up another 18 years of your life raising more little Gudes.