

Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Do I need to be crass abut this???? :tap:

No!! Have the surgery if you are 100% sure you don't want no mo' babies. :jet:

My input on the experience - the EX had it done in 1996 after Thing2 was born. (reason is: I opted OUT of getting my tubes tied, because Thing2 arrived so quickly (1am) that there was NO TIME for me to receive the epidural) ANYHOO the EX had his surgery and as I recall was in a fair amount of pain for at least a couple of days and was off work, too. He got pain meds, as well. I, on the other hand, had NO MEDS for either of my childbirths and felt like he was a big weenie (hah) for needing to be catered to for 2 days because of it.

I guess they've improved on the operation if there is no pain now. :yay:


RBF expert
This reminds me of a Urologist's office up in CT that used to put out a radio commercial every March advertising discounts to big March Madness fans, "Perfect excuse to take off work! Relax on the couch and watch March Madness while you recover!"



Lem Putt
Very little pain, just enough to remind me to take it easy for a couple of days. I know a couple of guys who did not take it easy like they should and had pretty bad complications. One guy had swelling so bad they almost had to amputate.


Obama destroyed America
Very little pain, just enough to remind me to take it easy for a couple of days. I know a couple of guys who did not take it easy like they should and had pretty bad complications. One guy had swelling so bad they almost had to amputate.
:yeahthat: Guy I worked with did not follow orders to relax. He mowed his grass (you really do feel fine) and couldn't move the next day.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I would say that after such a procedure the Pros can't Con you out of your money by claiming it's your baby. :yay:


I bowl overhand
Do I need to be crass abut this???? :tap:

Go for it.. I heard all the horror stories did it anyways. Only thing I can figure is there are a lot of wussbags out there that are only called men because of their anatomy.

Absolutely nothing to it. No pain, none.. no recovery issues.. none. Kept waiting for the pain to come, it never did.

Suck it up buttercup..