VENT: Customer Service Sucks These Days!!

hvp05 said:
That thought exists in the customer's mind only. Anyone who has ever held a job in a service industry - retail, restaurant, whatever - can tell you it's not true. Of course, even common sense should tell you that... no one is ALWAYS right, whatever the relationship.

I'd like to know, how many people think it's important to visit a store, for example, where...
a) the people are not really "friendly", but will help if asked, and the store itself is clean and stocked;
b) the people are great and happy, but the store rarely has what you seek and is regularly a mess?
Of course no one is always right, it was just put that way to make the customer think they are right and keep them happy so they will keep coming back....


Cleopatra Jones
RoseRed said:
It was too late to get a picture.

I think it was Thursday or Friday evening of last week. I was leaving the gym and no crap some broad was pushing an empty cart from SFW way past their parking lot, a kid in the front, maybe 2 years and another walking with her, cig hanging out the side of her mouth walking towards taco bell. There's freaking school busses that park in that lot that blocked me from getting a picture!
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pixiegirl said:
I think it was Thursday or Friday evening of last week. I was leaving the gym and no crap some broad was pushing an empty car from SFW way past their parking lot, a kid in the front, maybe 2 years and another walking with her, cig hanging out the side of her mouth walking towards taco bell. There's freaking school busses that park in that lot that blocked me from getting a picture!

that's one strong biatch


American Beauty
PREMO Member
pixiegirl said:
I think it was Thursday or Friday evening of last week. I was leaving the gym and no crap some broad was pushing an empty car from SFW way past their parking lot, a kid in the front, maybe 2 years and another walking with her, cig hanging out the side of her mouth walking towards taco bell. There's freaking school busses that park in that lot that blocked me from getting a picture!


Well-Known Member
nomoney said:
:yeahthat: I wonder if some of the others have been on forums begging for votes to.

I only need votes to get to the final 4 TYVM. Then it's a live competition. And yes, I'm sure others are using any methods they can to get votes. That one woman, Pamela, has a lot of votes.

Sweet 16

Let me just state for the record that men are not the best communicators. That said, most handymen are probably so backlogged and busy come Spring, they don't have time to take on any more jobs. If that is the case, most won't call you back (see my first sentence). Try another.


Mostly known as a BIOTCH
Yeah well I spoke to him and he did call me back only to schedule a time/date to come out and look at what needed to be done.

But he didn't show ....


Watch it
I was JUST thinking the same thing!! We have been trying to get estimates for a new deck and NOBODY has shown up on time (or at all!). Only one came back with an estimate. Maybe we are missing something. LOL. I remember when we could just hint that we were getting ready to drop a bunch of money on a home improvement and people would be at our doorstep. What gives? I agree with you!! Is it this area or just in general?

Sweet 16

DawnK said:
Yeah well I spoke to him and he did call me back only to schedule a time/date to come out and look at what needed to be done.

But he didn't show ....
It's happened to me too. I don't get it. Either these guys are so busy they can't think or they're too cheap to hire a secretary and already rolling in so much dough that they don't care if they ever make another dime. Keep trying and good luck!


DawnK said:
But you know its not even that.. It's everybody nowadays...It's the check out girl at the grocery store. They don't even bother to say hello or even eff you. They scan your stuff, bag it, total it out and hand you back your receipt. I started going to Giant. All of their staff is friendly.

I find that to be very true around here, there is not a lot of competition in a lot of fields, so some people can do as they please and know they will still get work coming in steady...


New Member
Sweet 16 said:
It's happened to me too. I don't get it. Either these guys are so busy they can't think or they're too cheap to hire a secretary and already rolling in so much dough that they don't care if they ever make another dime. Keep trying and good luck!

In their defense (somewhat), most of the small business owners are out there on the jobs doing the work themselves because (1) they can't afford to pay someone to help them as they are just starting out, (2) the help they hire, that they can afford, wouldn't work in a donut factory eating the holes out of donuts. You'd be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't) at how the work ethic these days has degraded to a despicable level.

When I owned my business and had to go on location, I would check frequently for voicemails and emails when I had access. However, most men out in the field doing construction work aren't that technologically savvy or aren't in a position to return calls during the day- so they have to return calls when they get home (which could be 8:00 pm or later) or they are exhausted from their days work and collapse.

I don't think that they are making so much money that they don't need the work. I don't know of a business owner who would intentionally turn down work unless the job wasn't their specialty. Yes, it would make sense for them to give out a cell phone number so you could reach them during the day but that is up to the individual business owner.

However, I absolutely do not excuse nor condone no show/no call behavior. That's ridiculous. If you can't make an appointment, you at least call the person to reschedule. I wouldn't contract with someone if they didn't show for an appointment, period.

Just my opinion - take it for what it's worth.


Well-Known Member
jenbengen said:
I was JUST thinking the same thing!! We have been trying to get estimates for a new deck and NOBODY has shown up on time (or at all!). Only one came back with an estimate. Maybe we are missing something. LOL. I remember when we could just hint that we were getting ready to drop a bunch of money on a home improvement and people would be at our doorstep. What gives? I agree with you!! Is it this area or just in general?

Have you checked out AJK Home Improvements from Laplata? I called him last Thursday about garage addition and left voice mail message, he got back to me in less then 2 hours, we set up Friday for him to come out, even with how nasty Friday was with all the rain, I almost called and cancelled because of that, but reading on the forums on how hard it is for someone to show up I thought lets see if he does show and to his credit, he came out just 10 minutes late (but did call saying he was on his way) and we stood in the rain going over what I wanted. Im now waiting for him to get back to me with the estimate, very nice guy. He has a website and has also posted on the forums in the Home and Garden Section in several of the topic's. so far :yay: