Vertigo - need neurologist


wandering aimlessly
Okay folks, I had a case of Vertigo on Saturday, my neurologist is unavailable, and I'm flying next Wednesday. I need to see someone to get some meds so I don't end up incapacitated.

Anyone have a recommendation for a neurologist?


Well-Known Member
Okay folks, I had a case of Vertigo on Saturday, my neurologist is unavailable, and I'm flying next Wednesday. I need to see someone to get some meds so I don't end up incapacitated.

Anyone have a recommendation for a neurologist?

Have you tried meds before? They gave me Meclizine, and it made it so much worse. Just curious if you found something that actually helps.
Okay folks, I had a case of Vertigo on Saturday, my neurologist is unavailable, and I'm flying next Wednesday. I need to see someone to get some meds so I don't end up incapacitated.

Anyone have a recommendation for a neurologist?
Have you been to a ears, nose, throat doc yet? I get BPV on occasion and treat it with Dramamine meclizine (Antivert, Bonine, Meni-D, Antrizine) - drug class, medical uses, medication side effects, and drug interactions by

More info on BPV...

Benign Positional Vertigo


Dr. Kafji in Charlotte Hall. He has been taking care of my son who has epilepsy for a year and I just love him!
Do the exercises help? I've always been too afraid to try them.

I have read up on it and I saw a show on TV one time that addressed BPV and all say yes it does help tremenously. But I'm with you... When it hits, the vertigo is so horrid, I cannot bring myself to purposely do anything that will bring it on. :dead:


Well-Known Member
I have read up on it and I saw a show on TV one time that addressed BPV and all say yes it does help tremenously. But I'm with you... When it hits, the vertigo is so horrid, I cannot bring myself to purposely do anything that will bring it on. :dead:

Luckily I haven't had an episode lately, but next time maybe I'll try it. Now and then I'll turn my head too quickly or roll over in bed and I'll feel just a tinge of dizziness. I'm always so paranoid about it happening again! :cds:
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Luckily I haven't had an episode lately, but next time maybe I'll try it. Now and then I'll turn my head too quickly or roll over in bed and I'll feel just a tinge of dizziness. I'm always so paranoid about it happening again? :cds:

Me too! I even sleep proped up on pillows so that my head is never flat. I can go years without an episode and then WHAM-O.
Wow, a lot of people suffer from this.
I had my first episode while still in high school. It is devistating when it happens and there is no known cause for why the crystals that cause the vertigo break loose nor is there a known preventative. I've done a lot of research on it over the years and have found it to be quite a common malady.


wandering aimlessly
Do the exercises help? I've always been too afraid to try them.

Me too... that's why I suggested Dramamine... they have an OTC non-drowsy formula (it was a brief note in the link I posted).
The exercises aren't really a problem. The initial testing where they MAKE YOU HAVE vertigo - well, I won't tell you the language I used but it wasn't ladylike.

I'd been doing pretty good, but then you backslide because sleeping while sitting up in a neckbrace sucks, and sometimes you really really want a soda or salsa and chips, then POW.


I had my first episode while still in high school. It is devistating when it happens and there is no known cause for why the crystals that cause the vertigo break loose nor is there a known preventative. I've done a lot of research on it over the years and have found it to be quite a common malady.

I never had a clue so many are bothered by vertigo. Typically when I have an attack it goes away by the time I get dressed and head home.


But wait, there's more...
I never had a clue so many are bothered by vertigo. Typically when I have an attack it goes away by the time I get dressed and head home.

I suffer from it from time to time as well. Most recently about a month ago. I was sitting outside, having my morning coffee and just looked up in a tree to see the squirrels playing, and BAM ... the deck, trees, house, everything around me started spinning.

I've tried meclizine as well, but what really knocked it out quickly the last time for me was taking Sudafed, surprisingly enough. I didn't feel like I'd had a cold/runny nose/any drainage, and I forget who told me to try it/where I read it, but it definitely helped me within 24 hours. :yay:


But wait, there's more...
I suffer from it from time to time as well. Most recently about a month ago. I was sitting outside, having my morning coffee and just looked up in a tree to see the squirrels playing, and BAM ... the deck, trees, house, everything around me started spinning.

I've tried meclizine as well, but what really knocked it out quickly the last time for me was taking Sudafed, surprisingly enough. I didn't feel like I'd had a cold/runny nose/any drainage, and I forget who told me to try it/where I read it, but it definitely helped me within 24 hours. :yay:

And FYI, I don't mean the generic Sudafed ... I mean the stuff that you need to see the pharmacist to buy (at least, here, you do) because a bunch of druggies are using it to make meth or some crap. I think it's the pseudoephedrine-containing one. :yay: