Very punny!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
An old timer is sitting on his porch, watching the street. He sees young Timmy walking by with a roll of chicken wire.
— Hey boy, whatcha doing with that chicken wire?— Well Mister, this here is “chicken” wire, I’m gonna get me some chickens with it!
— Ah boy, you are stupid! That’s not what it means!

Later that evening, Timmy is walking back, dragging chicken wire with several chickens tanged in it. Old timer is “Nah, he did that to fool me”.
The next morning, Old Timer sees young Timmy walking by with a roll of duck tape.

-Hey boy, what are you going to do with that duck tape?
-Well Mister, I’m gonna get me some ducks with it!

Later that evening, Timmy returns with several ducks stuck to the tape.
The next morning, Old Timer sees Timmy walking by with a bunch of pussy willow branches.

— Gosh darn it... Hey boy, wait for me, I’m gonna get my hat!