Vets being declared incompetent???


I bowl overhand
If you provide an assessment from your treating physician or mental health professional that you are competent to handle your own affairs, that process will pretty much come to a halt.

Not wholly true..

If you have your doctor say, for example, that you have GURD, or a host of any other ailments (to include psychological) that would trigger disability payments the VA will ask that you submit to their evauations. Your private doctor's diagnosis, and evaluations are worthless as far as the VA is concerned.

In a 30 second evaluation/test they will determine if your doctor was right (you know the one that's been treating you probably for years) or it the VA is right and you get no love.

Depending on which way the political wind blows (do they not want to pay your disability payments, or do they want you to be incompetent to deny your rights?) WILL determine the actual diagnosis.

Right now they are more interested in not paying you for any disability so the chances are you're going to come out of all the VA screenings as 100% sane and competent, and not earn any disablity. In the future?