I figured out that Daisy cost me an average of $200/month in medical bills for the last 4 of her 6 years of life.
I'm getting the insurance for Sam. So far, I've acted as foster for her so haven't had to pay squat. But, it was just discovered that she has a BAD case of hook worms. And thats the start of her being on my tab. Perfect timing though. I just gave her the last of the meds for the ringworm treatment.
Gotta get her re-tested for heartworms now.
And so it starts...again.
It's funny, the way that Sam sheds, I can brush, and brush and brush...as soon as she walks into the sunlight, she looks like "pigpen" from the Charlie brown cartoon with the cloud of dust around her. I vacuum and dust nearly every day now. I can't WAIT for the hardwood floors to be in.