

They call me ... Sarcasmo

I mean, who is gonna pitch a fit about Williams? Not very many people.

Of all the things that are OK today that were not 10 or 20 years ago, Vick stuck a nerve. We don't tolerate child molesters and we don't tolerate animal abuse.

He, and any team that may want him, will face a rather large PR hurdle getting him back on the field.

All he has to do is utter that magic phrase, "I found Jesus and I've made my peace with him."

Hopefully the :sarcasm: smiley doesn't need to be used here.


Lem Putt
Does anyone know how much of this sentence he is likely to actually serve? Will he be out next summer?


New Member
...I know. I would think that Mike can afford lawyers who are gonna, at worst, get any further sentence to run concurrent.

The Commonwealth of Virginia will attempt to try him, but it will likely get tossed out as double jeopardy.
The NFL will not let him is one thing to allow a alcoholic, doper, or steroid abuser back in the game....but they, nor will MLB, will not tolerate a gambler.

The dog fighting did not get Michael Vick suspended, it was the gambling aspect.

G'bye Michael...thank God the Redskins or the Ravens didn't draft you


I know nothing
The Commonwealth of Virginia will attempt to try him, but it will likely get tossed out as double jeopardy.
The NFL will not let him is one thing to allow a alcoholic, doper, or steroid abuser back in the game....but they, nor will MLB, will not tolerate a gambler.

The dog fighting did not get Michael Vick suspended, it was the gambling aspect.

G'bye Michael...thank God the Redskins or the Ravens didn't draft you

He can still be tried for the same crime

the courts have decided that since the state and federal governments are separate sovereigns and therefore successive prosecutions based on the same underlying conduct do not violate the Double Jeopardy Clause if the prosecutions are brought by separate sovereigns. See, e.g., U.S. v. Koon, 34 F.3d 1416, 1438 (9th Cir.'94).


New Member

The Commonwealth of Virginia will attempt to try him, but it will likely get tossed out as double jeopardy.
The NFL will not let him is one thing to allow a alcoholic, doper, or steroid abuser back in the game....but they, nor will MLB, will not tolerate a gambler.

The dog fighting did not get Michael Vick suspended, it was the gambling aspect.

G'bye Michael...thank God the Redskins or the Ravens didn't draft you

I think it was the killing and abuse of dogs, man's best friend, that got him in trouble.

And to compare him to Ricky Williams is unfair. Williams didn't commit a violent crime. If he does well he will put people in seats. The mere presence on Vick on the sideline will keep people out of them no matter how well the team is doing.


New Member
I think it was the killing and abuse of dogs, man's best friend, that got him in trouble.

And to compare him to Ricky Williams is unfair. Williams didn't commit a violent crime. If he does well he will put people in seats. The mere presence on Vick on the sideline will keep people out of them no matter how well the team is doing.

I didn't say that gambling was what got him in trouble....but the gambling issue is the straw that broke the camels back and caused NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to suspend him.

Is dog fighting a worse crime than say...manslaughter? Ray Lewis is still playing in the NFL. Jamal Lewis is still in the NFL despite using his cell phone to set up dope deals.

I noticed that your boy Ricky was stompped on mighty hard during his few moments of one...not the referee's, not the coaches, not his team mates came to his defense.

In pro sports, you can cheat on your can cheat on your wife, smoke dope, shoot steroids (Shawn Merriman was suspended for four games last season and still made the Pro Bowl)....but if you gamble on the game and get're through....if you don't believe me, then ask Pete Rose.


New Member
...hasn't been accused of gambling on NFL games.

And you don't see him playing in the NFL either, do you?


(About the only place you will see Pete these days is the basement of a casino, shilling his 'memorabilia' and autograph.)

But anyway, for Michael Vick, stick a fork in his a$$ and turn him over....he's done

Larry Gude

Strung Out

And you don't see him playing in the NFL either, do you?


(About the only place you will see Pete these days is the basement of a casino, shilling his 'memorabilia' and autograph.)

But anyway, for Michael Vick, stick a fork in his a$$ and turn him over....he's done

...experiencing a communication breakdown it would seem.


Set Trippin
The Commonwealth of Virginia will attempt to try him, but it will likely get tossed out as double jeopardy.
Wrong answer.. An attorney on Court TV spoke to this very issue yesterday and said double jeopardy does not apply in this instance....