Victoria Jackson Against Obama!


Habari Na Mijeldi
Barack Obama: Respected Pundit Victoria Jackson Weighs in on 'Anti-Christ Whitey-Hater' Barack Obama

"Unfashionable as it is, we have to admit to loving the Celebrity Right for its candor, combativeness and diligence throughout this year's election cycle. George Clooney can fire off as many "c u L8R, prez" texts to Barack Obama as his mobile plan will allow, but we're far more impressed by the texture of the ideology espoused by the likes of Jon Voight, Dennis Hopper, and now — at last! — SNL alum Victoria Jackson. And by "texture" (at least in Jackson's case), we basically mean the fine, aromatic quality of fresh bat####:"


"Unfashionable as it is, we have to admit to loving the Celebrity Right for its candor, combativeness and diligence throughout this year's election cycle.

Yeah. The Celebrity Right!

I suppose that this term is in reference to the multitudes upon multitudes of celebrities that espouse right-wing views. I know it can be oftentimes overwhelming, thinking about how extreme the right-wing can be amongst celebrities.

The mind scarcely has the courage to boggle.

The Celebrity Right. :rolleyes:

Dear Bleeding Christ.

but we're far more impressed by the texture of the ideology espoused by the likes of Jon Voight, Dennis Hopper, and now — at last! — SNL alum Victoria Jackson. And by "texture" (at least in Jackson's case), we basically mean the fine, aromatic quality of fresh bat####:"

That's left-wing tolerance for you. Any ideology we disagree with is fecal matter.

Arrogant ####tards.

And Dennis Hopper is a conservative?

I find that extremely hard to believe. I could have sworn that I've seen him - not too long ago - endorsing some extremist left-wing crapola.




Whoever Obama's paying to help him appear to be a Christian, to win the Evangelical doing a terrible job. He should ask me for a few pointers. First of all, "obscure reference in Romans" is a dead give away that he's never cracked a Bible. "Evangelicals" love Romans. They have it practically memorized. -"obscure reference in Zephaniah" might have been more appropriate. And, Obama, when you say things like, "Sin is...being out of alignment with my values." That is a blaring siren of Biblical ignorance. The Bible says, "Sin is being out of alignment with God's values." That's like the number one lesson in every book of the Bible. You really need some help. Your statements are New Age, relativist, & humanist. Basically, they are textbook comments that go back to the first sin in the Garden of Eden, when the serpent lied and told Adam and Eve that they could be equal with God. (Read the book "When the World Will Be As One") "New Age" is the oldest false religion. It is a lie. And as for your "church" or Rev. Wright, Evangelicals think it's a sad cartoon. Obama, call me. I'll explain Christianity to you.

Maybe you'll get saved and start loving unborn babies.

Mark 13:22 "False ...prophets shall rise... and seduce, if possible,... even the elect (Christians)." KJV
Mark 13:22 "...lying preachers are going to pop up everywhere. Their impressive credentials and dazzling performances will pull the wool over the eyes of even those who ought to know better. So watch out. I've given you fair warning." The Message translation.

I don't want a political label, but Obama bears traits that resemble the anti- Christ and I'm scared to death that un- educated people will ignorantly vote him into office. My mom likes him because his children are well dressed!

You see, what bothers me most, besides that he is a Communist, and a whitey- hater, (although he is half white), is that he is a LIAR. He pretends to be a Christian and he incriminates himself everytime he speaks about Christianity. To lie about being a believer in Christ is very dangerous. Lightning could strike him at any minute! But seriously, he doesn't have a clue what the Bible says and yet he pretends to be a church- going Christian to win votes. That is sooooo evil.

I know my stance might keep me from LA jobs, since (almost) the whole town is liberal but, some time in a man's life, or a bleach blonde 49 year old woman's life, one must stand for what they believe in, and put truth before popularity.

I pray that our country will have a revival, and that God will forgive us for our rejection of Him. He blessed our country because we worshipped Him. But, now our public places have kicked him out, and subsequently, (or coincidentally?), our nation is being attacked by our enemies.

(By the way, the Bible says, "Love Your Enemies, Bless Them That Curse You."
and the Koran says, "Kill the Infidel. (that means non-Muslims). I don't think people know that.)

I was reading the other day in Leviticus 26:3-13, and Leviticus 26:14-25 and on, where God was warning the Israelites to obey him. In Lev. 26:14-16 it even says, "...if you despise my statutes...I will even appoint terror over you." I couldn't help but see a parallel to our country which was founded on the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.

Just today I heard a quote from Obama where he was mocking the Old Testament (The 10 Commandments)and the Sermon on the Mount. I wouldn't want to be Obama on Judgement Day, but I especially don't want him to be the leader of my country.

My country isn't the way it used to be when I grew up, and I miss it so much. I contribute this directly to a rapid decline in Bible teaching resulting in the break up of the family unit, the anchor of a society. It makes me sad, but I have hope because of God's unending forgiveness and his promise in II Chronicles 7:14, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land."



Quite brave of Victoria to do this. She accurately predicted she has probably killed any chance she might for a job in L.A. based on the typical progressive/liberal/Democrat/whatever reaction to a contrary opinion.


Born Aug. 2,1959 in Miami, Florida, Victoria was raised in a Bible-believing, piano-playing, gymnastic home with no TV. Her dad was a gym coach, so she competed in gymnastics from ages 5-18.

Cheerleader..homecoming queen.. attended Florida Bible College; received a gymnastic scholarship to Furman University, attended Auburn University one year, and ended up in Hollywood, CA via summer stock in Alabama, where she met Johnny Crawford (The Rifleman) who promptly put her in his night club act and sent her a one-way ticket to the show-biz capital.

Supporting herself as a cigarette girl, a typist at the American Cancer Society, and a waitress at a retirement hotel, she performed stand up comedy for 2 years until "The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson" put her act (which consisted of her doing a handstand while reciting poetry) on national TV. Following her 20 appearances with Johnny, she starred in many movies and TV shows, most notably six seasons on "Saturday Night Live"
In 1991 she re-united with her high school sweetheart, married him and moved to Florida, where he's a police helicopter pilot. Being a busy mother of two daughters, Scarlet and Aubrey, Victoria still finds time to appear onstage and oncamera and is currently finishing up her first literary endeavor.

Well, I'd feel like we didn't really connect if I didn't tell you about what I really feel is important. I am a genuine true blue believer...not in Kaballah...not in Scientology...not in the New Age movement...not in Mormonism...not in Buddism...not in Hinduism...not in Catholicism...not in Protestantism...but in Jesus Christ. I've studied all those other religions...and as a cynic, and a free spirit...I personally decided to put my faith in Jesus. I've read the Bible all the way through....and I believe it is the Truth...the Word of God. Read John 3:l6, Ephesians 2:8,9, Romans 3:23, and Romans 6:23 and tell me what you think. What do you think? Jesus claimed to be "the Lord"...He was either the "Lord", a liar, or a lunatic. Tell me what you think and why. After all, none of us has died and come back to we all have our faith in something. What is your faith in? I'm eager to listen and discuss.
If you would like to know more...

read my interview with "The Door."



Well-Known Member
Wow, air-headed Victoria Jackson is a McCain supporter! Now *that's* an endorsement with gravitas!!! :killingme

Right. Because it would be IMPOSSIBLE to find an airheaded supporter of Obama.

It helps to remember that the Republicans aren't placing Victoria center stage as their centerpiece of celebrity support - some kind, gentle soul decided to *put* her there, because it's well known that Hollywood is just all about political diversity and fairness.

And I daresay, the term "gravitas" has a rather ridiculous history with liberals.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
And I daresay, the term "gravitas" has a rather ridiculous history with liberals.

Oh please, enlighten me about liberals and the word gravitas... :sarcasm:

Why does uber-conservative author George Will so fondly use the word gravitas in *his* writings? For example, here's a particularly prescient column of Will's from the year 2000:

Because of doubts about Bush's intellectual weight and steadiness, if he is nominated his choice of running mate should give him a gravitas infusion. It might be Dick Cheney--pro-life and well-seasoned, he has been a congressman and White House chief of staff, and was secretary of defense during the Gulf War. (He currently works, and last voted, in Dallas, but retains a residence in Wyoming.)​

George Will

I still think it's hilarious how the repubs (quite rightly) dismiss the political endorsements of the Hollywood rabble... *unless* it happens to be Victoria Jackson, and then somehow it's significant. :killingme


Well-Known Member
Oh please, enlighten me about liberals and the word gravitas... :sarcasm:

It ought to serve as an embarassing testimony to how little original thought they have - that within a very short news cycle, virtually every liberal outlet used the VERY SAME word to describe Dick Cheney's selection.

I still think it's hilarious how the repubs (quite rightly) dismiss the political endorsements of the Hollywood rabble... *unless* it happens to be Victoria Jackson, and then somehow it's significant.

"They" don't. Their detractors - do. They won't mention Dennis Miller because he can thump 'em intellectually with both hands tied behind his back - or Chuck Norris, Stallone, Schwarzenegger or The Rock because they could LITERALLY thump 'em. Nope, they bring up bubble heads like Jackson, Jessica Simpson or that woman on The View *because* they're lightweights.

You can always find a supporter in any venue who supports a candidate for no intelligent reason. You don't have to be famous.


New Member
Oh please, enlighten me about liberals and the word gravitas... :sarcasm:

Why does uber-conservative author George Will so fondly use the word gravitas in *his* writings? For example, here's a particularly prescient column of Will's from the year 2000:

Because of doubts about Bush's intellectual weight and steadiness, if he is nominated his choice of running mate should give him a gravitas infusion. It might be Dick Cheney--pro-life and well-seasoned, he has been a congressman and White House chief of staff, and was secretary of defense during the Gulf War. (He currently works, and last voted, in Dallas, but retains a residence in Wyoming.)​

George Will

I still think it's hilarious how the repubs (quite rightly) dismiss the political endorsements of the Hollywood rabble... *unless* it happens to be Victoria Jackson, and then somehow it's significant. :killingme

Your buddy Nanno brought up the endorsement by Victoria Jackson, (whoever the hell she is, I never heard of her). I didnt see any great multitude of the political right people in this forum jumping up and down praising her endorsement , so how do you come up with your comment that the right has decided her endorsement is significant.?

Your sarcasm of her being an airhead brought forth a polite post from Sam Spade suggesting that Democrats have more than a few celebrity airheads of their own and you suggest we listen to a Republican airheads while we dismiss Democrat airheads. I see no proof of your contention here.


Oh please, enlighten me about liberals and the word gravitas... :sarcasm:

Why does uber-conservative author George Will so fondly use the word gravitas in *his* writings? For example, here's a particularly prescient column of Will's from the year 2000:

Because of doubts about Bush's intellectual weight and steadiness, if he is nominated his choice of running mate should give him a gravitas infusion. It might be Dick Cheney--pro-life and well-seasoned, he has been a congressman and White House chief of staff, and was secretary of defense during the Gulf War. (He currently works, and last voted, in Dallas, but retains a residence in Wyoming.)​

George Will

I still think it's hilarious how the repubs (quite rightly) dismiss the political endorsements of the Hollywood rabble... *unless* it happens to be Victoria Jackson, and then somehow it's significant. :killingme

Who, besides the "Defamer" is giving Victoria Jackson any weight? They plucked something off her blog and made a satirical article out of it.


Well-Known Member
Your buddy Nanno brought up the endorsement by Victoria Jackson, (whoever the hell she is, I never heard of her). .

Oh you probably do, although she's had almost no career since SNL. I've seen her occasionally pop up as a guest shot on TV shows. She's pretty much type-casted as a dumb bimbo in whatever role she gets.

I didnt see any great multitude of the political right people in this forum jumping up and down praising her endorsement ,


so how do you come up with your comment that the right has decided her endorsement is significant.?

Well, exactly. You can always, always find SOME famous nitwit who backs SOMEONE. An endorsement from someone of no merit is neither a feather in your cap, nor a black mark - because nobody cares. An endorsement from someone who commands respect however - DOES matter.

If Hamas endorsed Obama, would that be a bad thing for him? (BTW - yeah, they did).

Your sarcasm of her being an airhead brought forth a polite post from Sam Spade suggesting that Democrats have more than a few celebrity airheads

Not that, so much as - if Victoria Jackson had never ever achieved fame at all, her endorsement would never be picked up by anyone. She'd be a completely anonymous blogger. Similarly, nitwits of every stripe imaginable that support Obama are *legion*.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
It ought to serve as an embarassing testimony to how little original thought they have - that within a very short news cycle, virtually every liberal outlet used the VERY SAME word to describe Dick Cheney's selection.

So... now you're criticizing the "liberal" media for reporting on Cheney's gravitas? Did they misrepresent Cheney? Is there something wrong with reporting the truth???


Well-Known Member
So... now you're criticizing the "liberal" media for reporting on Cheney's gravitas? Did they misrepresent Cheney? Is there something wrong with reporting the truth???

How many times do I have to repeat the same thing?

"Gravitas" was a word almost unheard of outside the regular newspapers until it was used to describe Dick Cheney. Having taken years of Latin and Latin history, I know that it is one of the virtues Romans felt should accompany any man of stature, along with dignitas and pietas (and according to humorist/historian Will Cuppy - adultery).

But within the span of a *day*, every major news outlet was using that very heretofore unheard of word. It means pretty much the same thing as seriousness or dignity (or both) but the fact that dozens used the same word meant only one thing - they were all borrowing the same idea from *each other* because it hasn't even been used much SINCE, except possibly to describe Joe Biden. The overuse of it was nothing short of comical.

I'm not "blaming" the media. It just underscores very strongly they don't think for themselves.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
How many times do I have to repeat the same thing?

"Gravitas" was a word almost unheard of outside the regular newspapers until it was used to describe Dick Cheney. Having taken years of Latin and Latin history, I know that it is one of the virtues Romans felt should accompany any man of stature, along with dignitas and pietas (and according to humorist/historian Will Cuppy - adultery).

But within the span of a *day*, every major news outlet was using that very heretofore unheard of word. It means pretty much the same thing as seriousness or dignity (or both) but the fact that dozens used the same word meant only one thing - they were all borrowing the same idea from *each other* because it hasn't even been used much SINCE, except possibly to describe Joe Biden. The overuse of it was nothing short of comical.

I'm not "blaming" the media. It just underscores very strongly they don't think for themselves.

Sorry, but it seems a bit trivial to criticize news organizations for choosing to use the most appropriate/descriptive/succinct word in their reporting - no matter how recently it may have entered the lexicon. If it's the right word to describe the man, then by all means - use it.

...unless, maybe George Will holds the copyright on the word, and all those news organizations were infringing on its use or something?