Victoria Jackson Against Obama!


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but it seems a bit trivial to criticize news organizations for choosing to use the most appropriate/descriptive/succinct word in their reporting - no matter how recently it may have entered the lexicon.

Couldn't have been coincidental. It's just funny. For them to all use an old Latin word that is usually italicized, because it's still straight from the Latin, there's just plain only one reason - they heard one of the others use it, so they repeated it. I don't care how succinct it is, it's just not because they all thought the same thing independently.

Let's wait for when they all claim that Biden has pietas and dignitas - all of them - you know they're all drinking from the same well. Not thinking for themselves. I never thought they did, it's just that this little tidbit confirmed it.

Who knows, maybe they'll mine some other language for the same succinct word. All of them at the same time. What are the chances?

The Oyster Guy

New Member
Couldn't have been coincidental. It's just funny. For them to all use an old Latin word that is usually italicized, because it's still straight from the Latin, there's just plain only one reason - they heard one of the others use it, so they repeated it. I don't care how succinct it is, it's just not because they all thought the same thing independently.

Let's wait for when they all claim that Biden has pietas and dignitas - all of them - you know they're all drinking from the same well. Not thinking for themselves. I never thought they did, it's just that this little tidbit confirmed it.

Who knows, maybe they'll mine some other language for the same succinct word. All of them at the same time. What are the chances?

If they're all drinking from the same well (and they undoubtedly do in many cases) - who was it that spiked the well with the words "Cheney's gravitas" for the liberal media to consume and repeat? Somehow I doubt that it was a plot by the DNC...


Well-Known Member
If they're all drinking from the same well (and they undoubtedly do in many cases) - who was it that spiked the well with the words "Cheney's gravitas" for the liberal media to consume and repeat? Somehow I doubt that it was a plot by the DNC...

(sigh) Of course not. It just means the media can't think for themselves. They let others do it for them. That's all I ever meant to illustrate.

The latest version of this was a few weeks of "why isn't Obama really beating McCain in the polls"? They've all been saying it for weeks. Why *should* he? But because they all say it, it must be true. Except they're all saying it, and there's nothing substantiating it.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
(sigh) Of course not. It just means the media can't think for themselves. They let others do it for them. That's all I ever meant to illustrate.
...But you started out by saying this:
And I daresay, the term "gravitas" has a rather ridiculous history with liberals.
So how does your example of the rampant reporting of "Cheney's gravitas" in 2000 - have anything to do with liberals... Why are the liberals reporting on Cheney's gravitas - wouldn't they do just the opposite?


Well-Known Member
Why are the liberals reporting on Cheney's gravitas - wouldn't they do just the opposite?

In reference to the mainstream media - which carried it - and the self-proclaimed liberal media - who also ran with it.

If you're a media outlet, unless you're a blogger essentially preaching to the choir, you have no chance of continuing in business if all you ever do is preach the same story - Republicans bad, Democrats good. Nobody will listen to you, because they know what it's gonna be.

Anyway, been nice talking to you, but we've worn out this subject.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
...Just admit it: there's no "ridiculous history" of liberals using the word gravitas. There may have been a time when the media lovingly embraced the word, but it had nothing to do with liberals.


Well-Known Member
AL HUNT: He is a man who meets all George W.'s weaknesses: lack of foreign policy experience, lack of gravitas. I think now when Gore is trying to make the case of lack of gravitas against George W. ...
JUAN WILLIAMS: Now we look and we see the son, who is seeking some gravitas, to say to people that he is an intelligent man...
CLAIRE SHIPMAN: There is a lot talk they are looking at older candidates, candidates with gravitas.
STEVE ROBERTS: He's had health problems, uh, he's worked for a Big Oil company, but he has the gravitas. You can sum it up in one word: stature.
VIC FAZIO: I really believe that George W. Bush needed that perhaps more than anyone in recent memory because, if there is a rap about him, it may go to the gravitas issue.
JEFF GREENFIELD: If the question about Governor Bush was one of the weight, or to use the favorite phrase of the moment, "gravitas"...
JONATHAN ALTER: What he gets here is grav-i-tas, a sense of weight, competence, and administrative ability.
BOB KERREY: I've gotta strengthen it in some fashion. I've gotta bring gravitas to the ticket... He does not need anybody to give him gravitas!
MARGARET CARLSON: It means that Bush, you know, Gore has experience and gravitas.
MIKE McCURRY: I think he also needs to demonstrate some gravitas, too.
SAM DONALDSON: ...that he was put on the ticket, but by former President Bush, to give gravitas to the ticket.
ELEANOR CLIFT: Well, Dick Cheney brings congeniality and he brings gravitas.
WALTER ISAACSON: He does seem to bring some vigor as well as gravitas and stature to the ticket.
AL HUNT: It's called "gravitas."
MARK SHIELDS A little gravitas!
JUDY WOODRUFF: You certainly have gravitas tonight.
SAM DONALDSON: Displayed tonight a certain gravitas.

The Oyster Guy

New Member
GEORGE WILL: Because of doubts about Bush's intellectual weight and steadiness, if he is nominated his choice of running mate should give him a gravitas infusion.

Aha! I just *knew* George Will was a closet liberal...


New Member
GEORGE WILL: Because of doubts about Bush's intellectual weight and steadiness, if he is nominated his choice of running mate should give him a gravitas infusion.

Aha! I just *knew* George Will was a closet liberal...

Gee: Is George Bush running again??

These clowns just cant get over George Bush.