How is giving money worshiping god?
I mean, he doesn't need it or anything.
"...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." - Matthew 25:40
God owns the universe. No, He doesn't need anything, but what he wants is for us to be unselfish in giving to others out of our abundance, even sometimes out of our lack, which is sacrifice. Tithing is a discipline where you are willing to let go of something you have. That was the problem with the rich man in Matthew 19:16-24. He horded his possessions, and that is not Kingdom living.
BTW, some of the tithes that go into the general fund is set aside for benevolent needs, for such things as when a family member passes and needs some help for the funeral or when some other immediate situation arises. Early in the church, the disciples set up the means for sharing of things common in Acts 4:32-37, to take care of those in need.