Has anyone been to the Vintage Days event in Ohio? I am thinking about riding out there next year. My uncle lives in Illinois and said he would meet me. Thanks.
I went out 3 years ago. There were a ton of old bikes. Big swap meet area and racing...
Did you enjoy the event?
Sure did.
Curious, what year Triumph, and what model?
2001 Trophy 1200.
Don't know about the event but I do know this;
Ohio is to motorcycle riding what Juneau is to skinny dipping.
Yeah, but the ride could be nice. Pick up a gallon of milk while you are there so you can say the ride was for SOMEthing...
The ride TO Ohio can be great. Just not IN Ohio. .
30 years ago...I used to ride back and forth between MD and central Indiana somewhat regularly (college). Including all the way across Ohio, of course. Not a fun ride...by any standard.
To make it worse...I did it once on a Yamaha RD400 that I adapted a Vetter fairing on to the front of.:
Must have felt like riding a dental drill...
2001 Trophy 1200.
And hey...it was the only wheels I owned at the time.
btw..did you know that if you mount a full-size fairing on the front of a lightweight little crotch rocket like an RD400...that it completely kills the performance of the bike, especially at highway speeds? I didn't know that either..before.....
I am guessing it was sort of like putting deflated basket balls on the front of water skis: helped with the spray a bit...
2001 Qualifies as vintage?
'86 Kaw VN 750, vintage.
More like trying to walk straight in to a gale with your umbrella deployed...